ENVY: Problems.

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V alongside J, her captain, and N, her coworker, all were sent to Copper-9 to exterminate all worker drones in the planet. After the core collapse JcJenson sent disassembly drones or known as murder drones to kill the "rouge" drones on the planet. During a mission N helped both J and V by getting them past the 3 blast doors. Unfortunately N rebels and is almost killed by J, luckily Uzi, a worker drone, saves N from death. They then fight V and J, they win and kill J and capture V. V was chained to a chair, her neck having the chain attached to the floor ensuring she couldn't get out. With J dead, Uzi took her place and ended up hanging out with V and N... Well more like hanging out with N.

May or may not be inspired by a chat I had with an AI Bot! Enjoy for now.

"Ugh N! Can't you just unchain me already?! It's boring being strapped to a chair all day!" I said I can't believe he had to restrain me just so that I don't kill Uzi. I felt betrayed, almost like he doesn't care about me...

"No V, you can't. You'll just kill Uzi and every other worker drone!" N's tone was angry... I didn't like it either, just something about him was off. I love him and want to care about him, but after he began hanging out with Uzi he began getting a bit more aggressive.

"Quit trying to get out V, you're just a Heartless murder drone that Does Not Care about Anyone but Yourself!" Uzi yelled at me, it hurt a lot... I don't really like expressing my feelings because I feel like I'll be turned down. But that... That was too far! I'm not gonna let Uzi talk to me like that!

"I'll kill you when I get the chance too!" I yelled, I couldn't help but try to get out of the restraints. I was gonna use my tail... Unfortunately N had more than 10 brain cells and cut my tail off so I couldn't... I was trapped in this pilots chair! I couldn't let Uzi get away with this! I bit at my restraints trying to rip the chains off, but it didn't work. I was helpless as this point. I could feel the tears welding in my eyes, so I stopped and turned the pilots chair away from them so they couldn't see my tears...

"Yeah, go cry in your corner!" Uzi began laughing at me. I just wanted to disappear at this point. N just stood there he looked like he was sorry, but I didn't know what to believe.

"Uzi stop... Your hurting her." I heard N say this, he sounded concerned for my wellbeing, and I'm glad he did... Maybe this would be my chance to get some alone time with N? Who knows...

"Don't be such a party pooper!" Uzi said, she sounded mad that N was defending me. But I didn't care what Uzi thought, only what N thought... I just want to cut Uzi out of the picture so I can have N for myself, but unfortunately N has grown to like Uzi. Whatever, I'll try what I can have N. No I'm not gonna be a yandere! I love N but wouldn't kill everyone he loves just to be with him. Mostly because... J would do that for me, once she was rebuilt...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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