Chapter - 4

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I woke up by the rays of bright sun entering my bedroom through its eyes blink a little cause' of its light. I struggle to catch my phone which i put at the drawer adjacent to my bed. "oh my...!! shit!! its 7:30!" i wide my eyes with shock.

"I was to wake up at 7:00! and I'm half an hour late!" I jump from my bed.

I rush to my cupboard to decide what to wear. I pick black jeans and peech sweater. I decide to take my muffler too. I quickly get into the shower and change my clothes. I put a little mascara over my eyes for a bit touch-up and I let my blonde hair fall open on my shoulders.

I race through the stairs and cook myself a toast and juice which I finish as quickly as I can. Just when I was about to take my coat and move to my office, I hear a knock on the door. "coming" I shout while eating the toast. When I open the door, I see Jane standing and greeting me with a hug. she wears grey sweater and black hot pants with her long boots. her hair pushed in a ponytail. "hey" she greets me.

" here.. don't you have work?" I smirk at my comment.

"Of course I do. but I thought since you don't own a car.. we could go together after all we work at the same 'Greenwood's Publishing'! so what say?"

"um.. thank you" I hug her.

"okay.. so grab your stuff and come fast. I'm waiting"

"yeah. I just want two minutes."

I grab my purse and files and get into the car, in the passenger seat.I put my stuff at the back seat. I love this vanilla fragnance in her thoughts are interrupted when Jane starts talking. "So?"


"what's his name?"

"whose name?"

"c'mon scarly don't act so innocent. I'm asking that guy's name ofcourse."

"uhgg! neither do I know and nor I want to. can't we stop talking about him?"

"okay fine. last question! please!"

"yea." I finally agree to this shit.

"you were thinking about that guy the whole night, weren't you?"

"um..well.." I fumble at words. "yes!"

the rest of the drive is silent. jane was smiling the whole rime or hiding it I could'nt actually tell. maybe cause' I said 'yes'.I push these thoughts and get out of the car with my purse and the files. I'm a bit nervous, I admit. even if you know your boss incredibly.

I take the lift to the fourth floor and so do jane. jane was to go to second floor but I forced her to go with me to Paul Greenwood.

we go the receptionist 'Erica Doms' as I read her name and ask her."hello, this is scarlett Crimson. I'm the new employee. I want to meet Mr. Greenwood"

she smiles and dials a number on the telephone of their office which must be of Greenwood.

"yes sir." she says in the phone.

"okay Miss Scarlett You can go in."

"thank you." I tell her.

jane waits out as I knock at the door. "come in."

"Hello Mr. Greenwood" I pass the most comfortable smile, i could.

"Ah, Scarlett c'mon sit". and so I do.

"how's you?"

"I'm perfectly fine."

"so?.. interested for your new job"

"yes!" I say confidently.

"you can start from today onwards if you want?"

"okay! I'll start from today"I quickly answer.

"okay! you've your desk settled on second floor with other employees and you have to atleast edit 5-6 manuscripts a week."

"" i think its alot.

"I know scarlett its a bit too much for first employees. but you've to co operate I'm not forcing you but you have to try..okay?"

"yes!  I'll do it!"

"you want me to take you to see your place?"

"no no jane's waiting for me."

we both get into the lift to get to the second floor. when I reach, without even telling me, jane starts to announce "hello everyone, this is my friend Scarlett Crimson and she's our new friend!"everyone greets me with a smile or "hello","hey","nice meeting you".jane tells me that the guy sitting in a front row is Billy and next to him is a lady and she is stacie and her two neibhours are candy and a blonde haired boy, niall. In the second row is robert and his girlfriend martina and to their right side is jane's and oliver's desk and then comes the third row in which the first one is mine and the second one is empty i don't know who sits there but after that is a guy, zayn, who has too many tattoos..somehow his tattoos remind me of that mystery guy. and then a girl, Alina.

when I reach to my desk and start to set my files. A familiar voice says "excuse me you're highly mistaken this is my seat." i can't figure out whose voice it is and I turn to answer.. but what I see is - the same guy, I saw at Emily's store, the same guy who insulted me, the same guy with whom i got in a fight and my mouth falls open to touch the concrete floor. "oh I'm...I'm so - sorry"

"no worries." he says smirking. A smile sparkling on his face showing his dimples.

I quickly pick my stuff and move to the second desk which I thought was missing. My thoughts are interrupted, when jane calls a little louder that everybody could hear. "hey scarlett." i can tell that guy heard jane calling my name and I could see his smirk never-ending.


"by the way he is harry and he'll be your partner as long as you are here." great. great that jane said this out loud. great that he'd be my partner as long as I'm here.

"cool." i give the most fakest smile i could.

thank you all so much for reading it. keep commenting and voting. I love you :* :*

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