Chapter 13- Tempests Reckoning

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Thebloodmoon099 x DDub707 as well as everyone thanks for all your support and patience  let's keep this pushing !!!!

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the village training ground as Karen faced off against Sylva, the Cursed Shadowweaver. Dark tendrils snaked around Sylva, her form enveloped in an ominous aura, while Karen gripped her nagimata with unwavering determination.

Sylva's voice echoed with an otherworldly resonance. "Embrace the shadows, Michio. Die for me, and let the darkness within you bloom."

Michio, taken aback, responded with disbelief. "Wait, what? Die for you? That's insane!"

Sylva's eyes gleamed with an unsettling anticipation as she awaited Michio's reaction.

Meanwhile, Karen, frustrated and fed up with Sylva's cryptic games, unleashed a burst of wind chakra, sending a powerful strike toward the shadowy figure.

"Enough of your games, Sylva! I won't let you harm Michio or anyone in this village!" Karen declared.

The wind strike hit Sylva with incredible force, causing her to stagger backward. However, to Karen's surprise, Sylva rose from the strike, wiping a scratch from her cheek and licking her lips with a wicked smile.

Sylva's dark laughter filled the air. "Impressive, Karen, descendant of the wind God Zephyr and the lone survivor of the forgotten wind village. I've heard stories, but I never knew it was you. It seems luck is on my side tonight."

Karen, her eyes flashing with determination, readied herself for combat. "Luck won't be enough to save you from my wrath. Prepare yourself, Sylva!"

The two clashed with incredible speed and skill, each move a blur of motion. The training ground became a battleground, the clash of weapons and bursts of wind release creating a symphony of intensity.

Sylva, wielding dark blades that seemed to materialize from the shadows, moved with an unnatural grace. Karen, utilizing her nagimata and wind techniques, countered each strike with precision.

"I can't let my mom do this alone I have to help her !" Michio said while attempting to dash to the fight.

The only thing that made it just an attempt was the hand of one elderly villager that held him back.

"Old man! Let me go I can't just stand here and watch!" Michio said as he struggled to break free of the old man's surprisingly strong grip.

"Kind Sir! I know Michio rushes himself into things but he's right we can't let Karen do this on her own!" Ai said.

" Young Michio and Ai , I know you both mean well," the old man broke his silence. " But it seems you have a lot to learn about your mother , Karen , or by her given name Yuriko Kazehana , the "Whirlwind Tempest'".

"Aunt Karen's name is Yuriko? Michio did you know this?" Ai asked with a look curiosity mixed with a little fear.

"N- n- o  I didn't ." Michio replied shakily , watching his mother  in battle before asking the old man " Old man ,what are you talking about?"

" Well over a long time ago and even more so today the true users of Zephyr's wind were a rarity. They refrained from all external issues and kept peace among themselves in the village of Galehaven. Ack"
The old man cleared his throat before continuing,

" The air of the wind god Zephyr was breathed into them and they seemed this power as a way of life not as a weapon . However the higher ups of Alvarez believed that the wind users were selfish people who didn't want to aide in military and medicinal affairs especially with the Forbidden Wars arising . The birth of another pure breath was approaching and so they planned to kidnap the newborn ."

Fists of Fate: Smashing Destiny fka (Strong Man's Wrath)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن