chapter 8

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POV: Impulse

"Skizz, did you eat my tuna sandwich?!" I yelled as I look in the fridge and saw my sandwich missing.

"Nooo!" He shouted back just as loud.

Not very convinced I replied in a normal tone, "Mmmh, sure you didn't."

"I didn't, I swear!"

"Then who did."

If it wasn't Skizz, then the other options were
a) Grian, who was probably just trying to fool me,
b) Mumbo, who could have taken it, thinking it was his own since we have very similar lunches, or
c) which could literally be anyone for the most random reason.

Deciding that if it was Grian, then I should look around.
I looked around the most random places it could think of, Skizz trying to hold in a giggle.

xB walked into the room, looking confused as to why half the room was looking messier than usual.

"Someone took Impulse's tuna sandwich in case your wondering, and now he's trying to see if he can find it." At Skizz's wonderful explanation, xB now seemed less at a loss.

"Then wouldn't it be nice of you to help him look for it then?" Finaly someone seeing sense!

"Thank you xB, someone with respect! Would you like to help?"

"Well..." a long pause, "No I'm good thanks." All hope I had was washed away by his cheeky smirk. Why did I have to fall into his trap.

Skizz was now full on laughing, unable to contain it anymore. "There goes your idea of respect now." He said between breaths.

We all jumped, Skizz fell forwards from the couch landing half on the table, half on the floor, as none other than the Zedaph spoke from the shadows.

"Thank you Impulse, that tuna sandwich was, delicious." Slowly emerging crunching up a peice of foil that had once held my beloved lunch.

"How long have you been standing there!" xB said, spoke and surprise still etched on his face and in his tone as he half leaned on the wall.

Not caring about that I asked the more important question. "Zedaph how could you!"

"Payback." He spoke flatly.

I knew there and then what he was talking about. "That was one time! One!"

"And this is the revenge for that 'one time'."

It was just one small sweet! I should have know he would plot his revenge as soon as he found out.

I noticed Skizz had recovered from his fall, "Wait, was that about when we stole sweets from him?." What a big mistake he had just made.

Before I could say something, Zedaph cut in. "Wait, we? Skizz!"

"Nope I'm not getting caught in the cross fire." xB said, as he got up, grabbed his book, and sat far away from Skizz, Zed and I.

"Oh wait, I think I here someone calling me, I ah, got to go. Bye." And he run at full speed out the door, Zedaph hot on his heels

"Get back here right now!" His yell faded away as he ran to catch up with Skizz.

Coming up with an idea to get back at both Zed and xB, "You know, you never told Zed that you also stole one of his sweets."

"Huh? But I ne..." and with that ladies and gentlemen, the realization dawned upon his face. "Impulse, no. Don't do it, please, don't do it."

I just bolted for the door, already calling out for Zedaph, but before I was just a few meters out, xB jumped infront of me and tackled me to the floor as gently as he could.

However, luck was on my side, and Zedaph came walking around, but without a Skizz.
"ZEEEDAAAPH!" I saw him look up and xB look down, "xB also stole a sweet!"

A new energy seemed to bubble and rise, cause he came sprinting towards us, and a frightened look shone on xB's face tainted with a pinch of horror at what I had done. All I could do was watch, hold in a laugh and try keep a semi-serious face.

"N-no, I-I pro-promise I didn't st-steal them! Don't l-listen to I-Impulse!"

"Oh you poor, poor xB," The one thing that is scarier then a mad Xisuma is a mad Zedaph. "how do I know you aren't lying, hmmm?" His expression unreadable.

What felt like hours of a stare down, and breaths held, the most unexpected thing happened.
Zedaph laughed.
Like a genuine, that was a funny joke laugh, not an evil, you're going to die laugh.

I'm pretty sure I look as confused as a dog who lost his ball, and xB just seemed to be slightly relieved.

"I know Impulse just set you up, don't worry I'm just out for him and Skizz."

"Oh thank goodness, I thought you were about to throw me into a pit!"

"No, I'm saving that for Imp and Skizz."
He spoke of it as if it was a normal thing to have!

"No. Uh-uh, I ain't going into what ever hole you've dug out in your garden. Leave me out of it thank you." And, while listening to both of them giggling, I dashed off to find Skizz and tell him we needed to move to into a Zedaph proof stronghold.

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