Chapter 16

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Black got stiff. He heard her start to panic, he could somehow feel the sweat starting to build, her face starting to get warm with guilt. Gotcha, he began, expecting Black to absolutely deny it.

Instead, he was greeted by something different.

"Yes, I killed White," Black started, trying to get hold of her words. Trying to make them seem not as bad as they were, when she knew what she'd done. She didn't regret it, though. Even though it was only a couple of hours ago when White had fallen to the ground in electrical. When had she been moved to navigation? "But I also didn't kill White. Not in this sense anyway." Yellow frowned even more than he already was.

"I think she's telling the truth, Yellow," Pink replied when he saw Yellows' face. "When the doors opened after we turned the lights back on in electrical, Black met us at the door. She told us the whole story about how she had killed White. We already knew. We realized that White still had not come back, so we were really worried about her..." his voice trailed off. Cyan was looking down. He was shifting around uncomfortably. It looked like only Pink, Black, and Yellow were the only ones who'd noticed. "But... She killed her in electrical." Pink finished. Yellow was confused. His eyebrow was raised.

"But how did Yellow see White get killed by Black above navigation?" Purple queried, their voice coming from the other side of Green on his right. "I was in comms the whole time... But I did hear a gunshot. Two of them. At the time, I didn't think anything of it! I thought maybe White knocked something down..."

"Well, she didn't!" Cyan slammed his hands on the table. "And thanks to Black, she's dead! Or whoever killed her!" Tears streamed down his face. Yellow knew now why he had looked down. "I swore I'd save her if she got hurt..." Cyan's voice got smaller. Shakey. "But now, it's too late." He sat back down. Then Red spoke up.

"It's clear that someone is to blame for this. Think about it, Black could have used the vent to get to electrical fast. The one that leads to admin," He suggested, and everyone was glad for him to have changed the subject. Even Black seemed relieved, although she was the one that was the main suspect. Green shook his head.

"Me and Lime just came out of admin. Seemed pretty clear of Blacks to me," he said, nodding to Lime for confirmation. She nodded as well. Yellow was stumped. Black had to have killed White. It was the only explanation.

"Then how did Black get there?" Orange finally said. He hadn't spoken yet. Black shook her head.

"I told you already, I was outside of electrical. I came from the Lower Engine." Black said. This was getting all too confusing for Yellow. He saw her kill White. But she was killed before that? How? Was she brought back to life?

"How could White have been killed twice?" Yellow could hear the shaking in his own voice. He hoped that the others wouldn't hear it.

"We brought her back," Pink said. "Me and Cyan, I mean."

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