- Chapter 5 -

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"You overreacted." Rhys says for the nth time.

"SHE KILLED YOU." Feyre says for the nth time.

"Okay that's enough. Rhys tell us exactly what happened." Amren says rubbing her temples. All the constant yelling from Feyre and the constant "No's" from Cassian, annoying her to death.

"We were training like always." Rhys begins, "and maybe it was my fault for pushing her too much, I knew she was already exhausted..." he mumbles more to himself.

"Being exhausted does not justify killing someone." Feyre snarls.

"Well I'm here right? So she did not kill me." Rhys smiles at her placing his hand on her knee. "Anyway... She should try it for the last time for that night and everything seemed normal as it always does. The next thing I know is, that the look in her eyes became more distant... and her eyes seemed darker - then I felt the blood running out of my noes... and eyes... I tried to talk to her, yet she seemed to be distant... then I collapsed but I remember Noctis knocking her over and then the pain in my head stopped."

The room was silent, except for Amrens small steps, as she walks up and down in the room.

Nesta, Mor and Cassian sit next to each other on the sofa, Elain sits on a chair next to a window, Azriel, completely surrounded by his shadows stands to her left in a corner, while Feyre sits on Rhys lap. Ever since they came back that night, she wouldn't leave his side. The feeling of loosing her mate, again, was something she can process.

"This can't be true... she would never hurt any of us." Mor whispers. Her left hand clenches around the fabric of her dress.

"At least not intentionally." Nesta agrees with her. For Nesta and Mor, Nea quickly became one of her closest friends. At one of their wine and gossip nights, Nea told them about her and Azriel. She was afraid of their reaction for several reasons, yet they were nothing but supportive... and noisy. Nea was the only one Nesta dared to talk to about her feelings, Mor used to crawl in her bed, when she was feeling lonely, which usually ended in then staying up the whole night talking.

"She did and we should have known." Azriel quietly replies from the back of the room. Now all eyes are fixed on him.

"What do you mean?" Cassian asks, the anger slowly rising inside of him.

"You know how we found her. I told you on the very first day to leave her there."

"Leave a kid alone in a village covered in blood?!" Cassian rises to his feet and takes a step towards Azriel. "She was 10. TEN AZ. Ten and standing the blood of her parents."

"And do we know how it was possible for a whole village to bleed out?" Azriel comments, his shadows swirling around him.

"Why did you fuck her when you hated her all those years? Never trusting her?" Cassian hisses. Azriels shadows move closer to him, almost swallowing him completely. "Oh no answer?" Cassian laughs and throws his hands in the air, turning his back to Azriel. All eyes are fixed on Cassian, waiting for his fist to crash in Azriels face. All eyes except for Rhys. He looks directly at Azriel, his eyes showing a certain understanding and sympathy, the others don't understand.

"Two of the same, one good one evil, one brings light one brings darkness, one brings death one brings life. Two of the same, yet neither can live without the other." Amren whispers.

"... uhm What?" Cassian blinks.

"That's what they whispered." Amren speaks more to herself, " That's what it whispered." She looks at Rhys, her eyes wide in shock.

"Amren... are you sure?" He asks, gently moving Feyre off him to stand up and walk closer to Amren.

"I really hope I'm wrong." She says, "I need to go, check something." And with that she rushes out of the house, leaving the other confused.

"Rhysand what's going on?" Feyre asks, crossing her arms.

"She's talking about Noctis opposite."

"His... opposite?" Mor asks confused.

"Well Noctis should be the darkness... so his opposite should be the light?" Cassian mutters.

"But that means, Noctis brings death?" Feyre acknowledges.

"That's not sure. My magic has its roots in Noctis power, and besides what everyone else thinks, it doesn't exactly brings death." Rhys corrects her.

"Every Power brings death or life depending on how you decide to use it." Nesta frowns.

"So are you implying that "light" brings death?" Mor asks.

"There's this myth. Once there were two spirts, who roam around Prythian. No one knew where they came from, but the creatures living at that time, saw them as gods. One was used to scare the children, telling them when darkness comes, they can't hide, they cant escape, it will see all their wrongs, which means they shouldn't go out once the sun is setting. That's why they should stick to the light, stick to the good. They worshipped the light, some of our celebrations are still rooted in some of the festivities they held for it. While darkness was the bad, light was everything good. As the time goes by, more bad things happened and the fae blamed the darkness, telling themselves that it sucks the powers out of the light, causing all the bad things. This resulted in the great hunt." Rhys pauses and looked around.

"But, wasn't the great hunt the hunt that... allegedly... created The Prison?" Mor whispers.

"It was. They captured everything evil and put it inside the mountain. Now... eventually they had to face the darkness. When they sent the powerful spell to kill it, Light came and protected darkness, taking the spell. The spell should kill darkness, yet it only harmed light.

Light was deeply hurt and lost every faith in the fae, after they tried to kill . It imprisoned itself in the mountain, where it, supposedly, up until this day, still lives." Rhys finishes.

"Why didn't it kill it?" Cassian asks and drops down on the sofa again.

" Light was more powerful than darkness." Nesta states.

"But if they were opposites, shouldn't they have the same power?" Feyre asks.

"What if darkness wasn't the one stealing powers." Elain whispers from the back.

A/N: a bit more story for you :) What are you thoughts on it, I'm foreshadowing 2 things here - what do you think they are? And again thank you for reading <3 

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