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(*Hajime's POV*)

It's hot. Like, really hot. 

College started in mid-August, and now as we're nearing the end of the month, a sudden heat wave has washed over the city. All the fans are on in our dorm are blasting cool air on the highest setting, but despite this me and Nagito are laying in the middle of our dorm's floor. 

It's so hot I'm struggling to think, struggling to breathe, and I'm flushed on top of that, but maybe it's not from the heat. 

Nagito and me are laying side by side, if we turned our heads, our noses would touch. The thought brings more heat to my face, an unwelcome action in this sweltering room.

"Hey Hajime?" Nagito says, he sounds choked, and out of breath, like the heat is strangling him.

"Yes?" I answer, my voice equally raspy.

"I heard there is a pool on campus, feel like taking a swim?" He says, sitting up and looking at me with a hopeful smile.

"You know what?" I sit up, "That is a fantastic idea." I struggle to my feet, and I can feel the sweat on my back cooling rapidly in the path of a fan. I offer a hand to Nagito. He takes it and I pull him up. 

Maybe a little harder than I should've. He doesn't weigh much, and when I pull him up, we end up closer than I anticipated. We stay like that for a moment, inches apart, hand in hand, looking into each other's eyes. Then I blink and the spell breaks, we each take a step back and our hands fall to our sides.

"...we should get dressed." Nagito says, his voice a whisper. Is it just from the heat? It must be.

"Yeah..." I smile faintly. I walk over to my dresser and rummage around for a pair of swimming trunks. 


(*Nagito's POV*)



Did that just happen? Did I really get that close to Hajime? Did I really ask him to go swimming with me? I can't even swim very well. Just my luck, I get a chance to spend time with Hajime and I ruin it by suggesting something that will make him embarrassed to be seen with me. What an idiot.

But he agreed. I can't believe that he would be ok with spending time with someone like me. I'm honored, truly. I'd better get changed too. It looks like Hajime is making his way to the bathroom, so I should find my swimsuit.

I dig through my dresser and look for the place that I know that I put them. I haven't touched my trunks since I unpacked them. I don't know why I even have them in the first place, since I can't really swim, and it wouldn't matter anyway because they seemed to have disappeared. I'm not even surprised at this point. These things happen to me all the time, I've gotten used to it.

But that means asking if Hajime has an extra that he can lend me. I'd ask my friends, but none of them are my size, I'm much skinnier that Soda, and Fuyuhiko is a lot smaller than me. Me and Hajime are actually pretty close in size. That's quite handy.

The thing about my luck is that whenever it closes a window it opens a door. The worse the thing that happens to me, the better the reward. For example, I could have two plants, and one of them would wilt and die, and because of that, the other would flower and thrive. That's how it's always been for me. 

I think Hajime is coming out of the bathroom now. I should probably ask now. This is going to make everything awkward.

Well here goes, "Hey Hajime? I seem to have lost my swimsuit, did you happen to have another?"

He looks at me and his face seems to light up. "Actually, Nagito," He smiles and leads me to his wardrobe, "I do, and it's just a little too small for me. I think it'll fit."

See. There my luck goes again. I lost my swimsuit and Hajime just happens to have one my size. What are the odds? Actually, I don't want to know. I take the swim trunks after a wave of thank you's and head to the bathroom.



I'm dead tired so I'm ending the chapter here, but it will be continued next upload. Hope you're enjoying this book so far. For any KomaHina fangamers out there...you get it. To the rest of you normal readers, enjoy a wholesome pool scene next time!

Have a good day/night!

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