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Name: Dax

Book: Anarchy/Anarchy:Annihilation

Author: styleslegend

Book Summary:


The world as we know has been annihilated. War has destroyed the former way of life and governments have fallen, the previous organization of civilization gone forever. Now more than ever, you trust only your own and no one else. You fight, you kill, you steal, you lie.... or you die.

Progress: Completed

(Anarchy: Annihilation)

"This is the end of us all."

Progress: On-Going

Best Lines

"If you shoot me, I'm gonna kill you."

"You better hope your hearing comes back soon." he said, shaking his head.

"You're telling me. You all miss my intellectual input, I know."

"What sort of gentleman would I be if I encroached on m'lady's space?"

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