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The first ten days had gone by quickly.  Starting at Payco with Nick was very bittersweet. Our fathers used to talk about Nick and me running the company with them one day. That day had finally come, but neither of them could see it.

The morning I moved into my new home Kora came over. It was the first time we had seen each other.

"What are you doing here?" I asked in between kisses.

"I figured we should touch base and go over this week's plan for a final time. I also thought it would be nice to help you break in your new bedroom."

"Oh, really?" I chuckled and swept her off the ground running up to the bedroom.

I tossed her on the bed.

Kora was one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen. We went through most of our training together with Kai. Because of that, we knew each other inside out. She knew my every strength and weakness both physical and mental as I knew hers. We made a good team.

My hands automatically started pulling off her shirt.

"Wait, Aiden," she stopped me, "I thought we said we were going to stop while we are here."

She bit down on her bottom lip as she waited patiently for my response. Her long black hair hung over me lightly touching my chest.

"We can stop if you want."

"No, I was just thinking with Bridget Gallagher and everything else you would want to stop."

"As long as we are careful and don't tell Kai, I don't care if you don't."

"Me too, now, keep going." She ordered.

"Wait, I can't. I forgot I'm meeting Bridget for coffee."

I scrambled to find my clothes.

"You could have remembered that before you got me turned on." She said irritated.

"Sorry," I said, "Where are you staying?"

"A hotel for now. Just until I find a place."

"You can stay here if you can stay hidden."

"While that is tempting, we can't risk anyone seeing us together, but thank you."

I rushed to meet Bridget at the local cafe she picked out. Luckily, I got there barely a minute before her. Her reserve was clear in her body language. I expected this of her. One of the first things we talked about was Matt. She apologised for the thousandth time for his actions.

"Did you grow up in Santa Barbara?" I asked sipping on straight blonde espresso.

"I thought we were here to talk out a entry budget analysis at Payco." She countered.

"I'd like to know who I'm getting financial advice from." I flashed a smirk her way. She rolled her eyes before answering.

"Our main office is on Wall Street so my family lived in New York for awhile until my dad expanded the company to the west coast. Then, I spent most my time here. Where are you from? Your accent doesn't scream Malibu."

I remembered the history I had rehearsed with Kai.

"My family was from a small town outside of Manchester, England and we lived there until I was thirteen. Then, we moved to San Diego."

"Do your parents still live there now?"

I shook my head and swallowed the bitterness of discussing my family with someone like her, "They passed away in a boating accident when I was sixteen."

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