Chapter 6

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"Wanna play hide and seek?" A voice suddenly cut through my dreams and I surfaced back into consciousness.

"Hmm?" I asked, sleep causing the words to jumble up in my brain. Lydia was standing above me, looking much more lively than she had been earlier.

"Do you wanna play hide and seek?" She repeated and I shrugged, frowning slightly.


"Thalia's playing too." She gestured to Thalia who was standing a little way behind and they both smiled, but they were very forced. Rubbing my head in confusion, I stood up and winced slightly as the blood rushed to my head.

"Who's going to count?" I asked and Lydia volunteered, going over to one of the chairs and sitting down. She faced the wall and started to count. Thalia ran off to the other end of the plane and I had no other option but to follow her. She hid behind one of the curtains and I looked around desperately. Lydia had nearly finished counting. At last minute I climbed into one of the overhead compartments, praying that it wouldn't collapse. Footsteps started to make their way towards me and I realised that I was in plain sight. She would spot me if I didn't do something right now.

Lydia came closer and stopped. I thought she could see me for a minute but then she started moving again, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Well, I would've sighed if I could. But I was currently an invisible cluster of particles. Suddenly, I felt that something was very wrong. I couldn't see or hear anything, but I could feel anger and fear around me. Desperately, I tried to remodel myself but nothing was happening. I still didn't have this completely under control. Floating down from the overhead compartment, I moved in the direction of the fear and anger. As I reached it, I felt myself start to remodel and cursed my body silently. Why did this always have to happen when I was around people? Quickly, I slipped out of sight.

Slowly, my senses came back and I watched as Lydia was thrown against the door to the bathroom. Her face was a mask of shock and anger and I stared at her, trying to work out what was happening. Her back was now pushed against the door and Thalia had a knife held to her throat. My eyes widened and discreetly flashed green once, sending Thalia back a few feet. That gave me enough time to get in between them. Lydia looked slightly confused but quickly brushed it aside.

"Chris, it's not what it looks like! She was trying to kill me!" Thalia was on the floor, having fallen from the force of my impact.

"ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?!" I practically snarled at her, causing her to back across the floor slightly. My eyes flashed green again and the knife flew just a few inches out of her hand and across the floor. I made sure to keep my back to Lydia so she wouldn't see my eyes.

"I'm sorry Chris, I don't know what happened. I found her in her hiding place and she just came for me!" Lydia spoke very fast, obviously in shock.

"Liar!" Thalia spat and stood up, brushing her clothes off. "It's your knife! You tried attacking me!"

"Both of you just shut up for a second!" I shouted in anger and fire nearly erupted in the palms of my hands. They both stopped abruptly and Lydia stared in shock.

"Don't speak to me like that!" She shouted and I turned away from her, my eyes flickering red for a split second. Slowly, the anger dissipated and my eyes reverted back to their normal colour. I sat down on the floor and put my head in my hands.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it." I said softly and she sat down as well, keeping her distance.

"Can't help what?" She asked and I looked down.

"The anger. I just get so mad sometimes that I feel like my entire body is going into overload." She just stared at me and I bowed my head.

"Is this a recent thing or...?" She asked.

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