[Tuesday, 30 Nov 1992. Hailing]

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Been a 2 weeks since I wrote in this diary. Remember when I said that the apartment is not haunted? I am starting to think that the apartment is haunted. Scared out of my mind and I don't know what to do.

One night I went to sleep as normal and when I woke up, all of the mirrors in my apartment was broken and smashed. I didn't tell my mom about this. I couldn't. I could just imagine her laughing face while she patted me on the back and said that everything is fine. It is not! She doesn't understand nor does any of my friends. They are acting as if everything is ok, it is not! I can see it in their eyes that they think I am mad, I heard my mom talking to Racheal about sending me to a psychologist. I am not mad! I tell you I am perfectly fine, they just couldn't see what I see. However people have been acting weird around me. They cross to the other side of the road when I walk towards them, babies cry and even the bravest of the kids won't approach me. Also getting irritable and uncontrollable temper at work, one time I shouted at my boss: "stop bugging me or I will have your blood!".

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