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They leave, going back to the hotel, I follow them and decide I'm talking to them today.

I walk over to Kelsi, careful not to touch her

"Hello?" I say into the phone, Kelsi stops and looks at the phone.

"Hi!" She says and I look around

"It's dangerous here" I say, the phone only catches Dangerous

"What's dangerous" Kelsi says

"It the black entity is bad" I say the phone catches 'It bad, black'

Kelsi looks around and asks

"How old were you when you died?" I whisper to the phone

"Eighteen" It catches eight

"Eight? So your a child?" She says

"No, teen" I say, the phone catches it.

"Eighteen?" She says I say yes and the phone repeats after me

"How did you die?" She says, I tug on her arm and she looks in my general direction

"Follow me" I say and the phone says 'Follow'

"Can you show me where to go?" Kelsi says and I stomp on the ground, she follows me and I lead her to the stairwell I got pushed from

"Is this where you died?"


"How did you die?" She says

"Pushed me...stairs" The phone says as I speak

"What pushed you?"

"Bad....it....killed me"

"Who did"

I take a risk and say


Suddenly it's there, speaking about it makes it able to hurt you

Kelsi is close to the bottom of the stairs, I give her a light push and say

"Run" the phone repeats me

"It....found..... came here" I say and Kelsi bolts and I turn, it's gone, I check on Kelsi and she speaks

"Are you still here?" She says


"Can you tell me your name?" She says, I haven't heard my name spoke by a human in a long time

"Zane" I say

"Zane? Would you like to come back with me?" She says

"Did....already" The phone says and Kelsi looks around

"Were you the thing I saw last night?" She says

"No...was on....dresser"

"You sat on the dresser?"

"Yes....watched over you"

"Aw, thank you" Kelsi says

"Welcome" The phone says

"Well we're leaving, so if you want to come with us you can"

We leave and I know I'm never going back to that hotel or passing over.

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