Rebekah part 2

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"So I see you and my brother are finally together." Rebekah said and I punched her in the arm.

"No." I said.

"Did look like it." Rebekah said putting her hands on her hips.

"Didn't feel like it either." Klaus said cutting in.

"Shut up Klaus!" Rebekah and me said at the same time. we looked at each other.

"You have know idea how much I miss having you around. and I don't care how it looked...or felt." I said looking at Klaus then back to Rebekah. "We are not together." I stated just as Stefan walked back in.

"Are the Adults' done fighting or sucking each others faces off?" Stefan asked.

"Stefan?" Rebekah asked as she looked at him. Klaus appeared in front of Stefan.

"Now you remember." Klaus said un-compelling him. Stefan stated to remember. And I felt bad for Rebekah, once you erase something the feelings don't normally come back when you remember. And judging by the look on Stefan's face he doesn't feel anything...of course that could be the fact Stefan has been emotionless this entire trip, ah details, details.


Rebekah was walking around getting different clothes as she tried them on and modeled them for us. Klaus kept staring at me which was freaking me out as his eye travelled....a lot. One time I even reached over and hit his arm.

"What do you think? Stefan?" Rebekah asked making me snap out of my thoughts and look at her.

"No." I said while I ignored Stefan.

"Are you sure there's not more to this dress?" She asked.

"No sweet heart the people who wear those dresses are called sluts...or they have the body for it...but mostly sluts." I said. Rebekah walked away to try something else on. "Try jeans!" I yelled out to her. "They'll make your butt look good!" I said and I heard her laugh.

"I need to get some are." Stefan said.

"Where's he going?" Rebekah asked.

"To write a name on a wall... long story." Klaus said to rebekah as klaus stood walking over to me. Rebekah was in the dressing room.

Klaus got on his knees in front of me as he grabbed my hands and kissing my wrist. I tried to pull my hands away but klaus only held then tighter. I pulled my hands away from him as I got out of his grip. I knew he would win if it came down to strength but that didn't mean I would give in.

"What were we doing before rebekah interrupted us?" He asked as even though he knew what we were doing.

"Talking about how I am not yours." I said looking away from him.

"And you so proved me wrong." Klaus said sarcastically as he leaned forward kissing my neck.

"I know." I said seriously. I stood up and klaus grabbed my legs to keep me from leaving. I looked down at him as he smirk kissing my leg. "Let go." I sighed. Klaus shook his head and picked up my legs making my land on the couch. He let go of my legs and moved above me as he pressed are lips together for a short kiss.

"Never." Klaus said and I had to think for a second as to what he was talking about.

"Klaus this isn't funny." I said.

"I didn't think I told a joke." He said as he started to kiss my neck.

"Klaus, really? Get off me." I said.

"No." He mumbled.

"If you don't I'll leave. And I mean out of state maybe even country leave. You will never see me again." I said and klaus pulled back to look at me.

"You wouldn't leave your brothers." He said though he was hesitating. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"Me never seeing you doesn't mean I won't see my brothers again" I said and klaus sat next to me.

"You're so mean." He pouted.

"And you're in my personal bubble." I said. "What happen earlier -"

"Was proof that you return my feelings." Klaus interrupted.

"Was me not thinking." I said. "We should never talk about it again or do...that...again."

"Why?" He asked.

"What?" I asked looking at him.

"Why can't we be together why cant we kiss why cant we talk about the kiss?" He asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"Because you don't like me. You like the fact I can resist you. Rebekah has told me about the other women you 'liked' or 'loved' and how easily you threw them away as soon as the challange was gone." I said and turned away from him

"That might have been my intention in the beginning. But that was before I got to know you." Klaus said and I scoffed. Klaus sighed as he looked at me. "I find you to be one of the most beautiful woman to walk this earth." Klaus said.

"Rebekah also told me that was one of your pick up lines." I said and I wasn't lying she was drunk and told me all about his pick up lines.

"It's Elijah isn't?" Klaus asked and I looked at him.

"What does Elijah have to do with this?" I asked.

"He likes you." Klaus said as he had a hint of jealously in his eyes.

"How do this have anything to deal with the fact you-"

"I fancy you." Klaus blurted looking at me with hope in his eyes.

I didn't know what to do, think, or say. that wasn't one of the pick up lines. I could act all out going and like nothing bugged me or that no matter what someone said to me I could always say something back....but right now I was frozen in my spot. I had know clue what to do I was stuck.

"What do you think of this then?" Rebekah asked making me look at her.

Stefan then walked in.

"Good....let's get back to Gloria's" I said standing up and heading for the door.

When I got out side I took in a deep breath.

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