Jay + Rea Pov

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It was time to say goodbye to the Sunset Wind's crew- and to be honest, I was sad to see them go. We'd been traveling together for about a month now. I made my way down the gangplank with Ari and Ry, who I'd become decently good friends with. I'll admit, I really will miss them. It was nice not being the only girl on two ships full of boys. James, Malachi, Kaleb, and Dallas disembarked from their ship, and John and Ollie from theirs. Then we all went around, minus Malachi and Kaleb, saying goodbye, loudly in the case of James and John. After all the hugs and handshakes were over, Ari came over to me and held out her hand.
"Ry made this. In case of any emergency, she said you can contact us with it. Oh, and here is one for John too." In her hand were two small seashells strung on thin leather strings. I took one and tied it around my neck, and pocketed the other.
"Thanks. I guess seashells of any size can be used to contact each other." I muttered to myself, intrigued. Ari shook out her wings.
"I'm not going to bother with trying to figure out what you mean. But I hope you'll be in contact." She didn't look me in the eyes, her gaze darting between multiple different interactions around her, watching everyone like a hawk.
"Yes, I will. I'll miss you guys." I held out my hand and Ari shook it. I learned that her hugs hurt worse than her handshake. She jerked her head to stare down my hand, gripping it tightly. "We'll miss you guys too." She said it sincerely, a quick smile passing through her gaze.
"Ari! Did you give Jay the pendants?" Ry said, scuttling around James and John. In their splendor, they paused their heartfelt goodbyes to let Ry pass before immediately getting back to it.
"Of course I did. It's not that hard to give someone something, especially some seashells." Ari rolled her eyes and walked off toward Gil, side-eyeing Ry before rushing up to Gil and punching him in the shoulder. "We never did have that rematch! That just means we have to fight next time! You'd better get stronger before then!" Her smile had picked up, reaching one of crazed excitement. Gil matched her. "Of course! It's our destiny!" Their conversation faded into the background like every other one, both of them going back and forth on destiny or whatever.
"Whoops. A-Anyway, Gil mentioned the calling shells he and John had, so I managed to mimic it with these smaller ones. Me, Ari, James, Dallas, and Malachi all have one. So, whoever you wanna call, think of that person, then it'll connect and send the message. I wasn't able to enchant it exactly, so it, more or less, records messages and sends them, like a letter." I mused the small shell between my fingers.
"Wow. You did all that? I didn't know you could enchant stuff like that. That's really cool. Thank you, again. I'll stay in contact, alright?" I held out my hand and Ry shook it a lot nicer than Ari did. And with that, we separated to our ships and set sail in different directions. Gil waved to Ari until neither could see the other. I settled in my bunk and, in what seemed like a long time, slept like a ferret.

Rea's  POV
I watched Ari wave frantically until we couldn't see the crew of the Albatross anymore, then I all but dragged Ari to the Captain's quarters to sleep. I settled into my hammock, and muttered to myself as I held the small seashell in my palm. "Let the new adventure begin."

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