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"You return like autumn.......
.......and I fall all the time"

Author POV

As the tension in the room reached its peak, a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows, commanding the guards to lower their weapons. The authoritative voice resonated through the room, causing a momentary pause in the chaos.
A tall, enigmatic man stepped into the light, his piercing eyes locked onto

"Enough," he declared with a commanding presence. The guards lowered their guns and moved to their respective positions with clear fear in their eyes.

"Taehyung" Mrs.Kim said looking at him with a blank face without portraying any emotions. "It's hight time now let's talk this out and get rid of this mess, even he deserves answers till when will this keep on going between you and me eomma" y/n states in a authoritative tone.

Taehyung POV

I enter the house just to see all of the guards in a circle and aiming their guns on y/n forehead. How dare they do that, anger rushes through my veins at the sight.

After all of them move away, I look at y/n and then Mom both of their faces weren't giving off any emotion, it felt strange cause reading mom' eyes was not hard but today I just couldn't do it, same goes for y/n what is happening?

Why did life take such a sudden turn in my peaceful and happy life, I want this all to end and want my happy family I wish I could skip this, and move on towards the happy chapters of my life.

You can't skip chapters, that's not how life works. You have to read every line, meet every character. You won't enjoy all of it.

Hell, some chapters will make you cry for weeks. You will read things you don't want to read, you will have moments when you don't want the pages to end. But you have to keep going.

Stories keep the world revolving. Live yours, don't miss out.

Lost in my thoughts while y/n and Mom just disappear from my sight I look around to see a broken vase on the floor, I ask one of the maids to clean it and move towards the living room where Mom and y/n are seated in complete silence.

"Taehyung, let me tell you the truth now, that day when my mother entered the room and shot the person.

20 yrs ago

Mrs Kim POV

It's has been 15 mins and Sa-rang still hasn't came out as per the plan I move inside towards the room and the sight in front of me breaks me completely, my heart shatters into pieces, tears start to roll down my eyes and I fall on the ground.

After gathering up the courage I move towards the Man none other than my husband laying on the floor


He was dead.

And the one who killed him was Sa-rang anger rushed through my veins, I search around but she is no where to be found neither him, I smash my gun gun on the window of my car, and scream my lungs out.

Without thinking for another minute I decided I wanted revenge.

Revenge for me.

Revenge for my husband

Revenge for my son.

Sa-rang POV

I try to open my eyes but they feel a lot heavier than before, after a lot of pain finally I open my eyes but the vision in front of me is still blur I blink a few times.

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