III - New recruit

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Laswell and I sat in the chopper, the ride was silent, like I love them. I stared outside the small window of the heli, I saw the ground becoming farther and smaller as we navigated to the UK. I've been informed that I might go to Mexico, I hope they can understand French too, I chuckled to myself. 

Many people might say that I'm risking a whole life for this job, but I liked what I did, working so closely with the danger and no civilians actually knew about it, that was my thing. It was certainly a risky job that could end my life, but no one waited for me back home, I had nothing to loose. So I simply gave up my body and soul for my country, the US, then the UK. Even Urkzistan, I remember meeting a group of rebels there, they seeked their once freedom that was taken by russians, it was led by her, Farah Karim. 

The time passed, Laswell and I barely spoke during the ride, like if we both enjoyed the 'silence'. Which I think we did. However, she sometimes striked a conversation and gave me intel about the Task Force, the members ectera. Amoung the team, there was two sergeants, a lieutenant and a captain. Sergeant John 'Soap' McTavish, Sergeant Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick, Lieutenant Simon 'Ghost' Riley and Captain John Price. Kate showed me their files through her laptop, I immediately reconized Price since I already met him. When I threatened to kill both of Kate and him if they told anyone my real name. Quiet fitted myself better honestly, even if it was some sick nickname given by bullies back in middle school. Sticked up more to me. Gaz seemed to have a darker skin tone, really darker compared to my albino one. Soap had a really big neck and a Mohawk hairstyle, not fan but it certainly fits him. Price had a 'well' trimed beard. And there was... Him.. Simon 'Ghost' Riley. 
"There's no picture?" I asked, pointing my gloved finger at the blank picture, my voice showed a hint of curiosity and confusion

"Never" Laswell responded with a slight hidden chuckle "You don't have any pictures neither, isn't a problem, right?"

"It's for anonyma, Laswell. People don't know Quiet, even less that The Quiet is a girl." I answered, my violet eyes never leaving the blank picture.

Laswell also told me that I'll be staying at the base until I find a stable apartement or house that will satisfy my needs, since I just left my country. Until then, my private barracks will be my room and only intimate room. Atleast I have one. She said that since I was the only woman there, I would have my own private room, with a small bathroom for myself, compared to the other guys that would share a barracks together. I think I like this Laswell.

I missed the Canada, even though it has been more than 5 months since I left Quebec, I still miss it dearly. The Canadian army was total shit, luckily for me, they transfered me to the special forces, pretty great. Went from Private to Sergeant, Sergeant major, than Lieutenant, and back to Private again... I drowned during one mission, it was a hostage rescues or something like this. It was situated somewhere in Halifax, in a luxurious mansion. With a pretty garden accompagnated with a fountain. The mission went south and I went from observing my surrondings to battling with an enemy, it really got worst when another one kept my head deep into the water of the big-ass fountain and drowned me there. I died there, though one of my former teammate saved me and they put me on medical break. Where I lost my honourable title of 'Lieutenant'. I went to the US to find a better job, Kate informed Price of me, he recruited me and here I am, in a chopper on my way to meet my new team. Of men.


After a good 9 or more hours, the chopper finally landed. In front of a base, a big one for the amount of person that use it. I took hold of my bag that laid beside my feet, I thanked the pilot. I think his name was Nikolai or something like that? And I opened the chopper's doors, there was a group of men waiting on the landing platform, four to be exact. Soap, Price, Gaz and Ghost. They waited for me? I wasn't expecting an actual welcome, I chuckled to myself and stepped out of the heli. My braided hair swayed behind my back as I walked with confidence and gracefulness, my steps were precise and well anticipated. Price stepped forward and extanded his hand for me to grip then shake. I took his hand and he gave me a nod

"Quiet, it's been long enough. I hope the ride wasn't too bad, welcome to the 141" He said while pulling his hand away from my strong grip. I gave a small nod to his words and then took my attention to the men standing behind him, clasping my hands behind my back to focus better, I saw their unique features. Mohawk, casquette (cap) and a skull mask. Funny, I wear a mask too. A black one, with no skull details and one that covers the lower half of my face though. My mouth, nose and chin. The men were all pretty tall or average sized, but one of them, Ghost, stood out more, an inch taller than me. I gave them an acknowledging nod, not bothering to present myself as we have more time for that later. I also noticed that Soap's mouth was slightly open, he seemed... Shocked of seeing me here. Why? Oh, he was drooling as well.

After a small talk, Price led us inside the base to give me a tour of it.

By a slight glimpse of the eye, I could see Ghost staring at me, his eyes never leaving my body. It creeped me out, but after all. He's a man, what should I expect exactly?

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