8. Chances

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I stared at the back of Jhope's head as we stood right in front of Suga's door, hoping he would just spontaneously change his mind. Why would Suga even want to teach me things? I thought he wanted to avoid me just as much as I wanted to avoid him?!

I nervously pressed my lips together as Jhope opened the door. Please don't let me be alone with him. I sighed silently as I followed Jhope inside the room. Suga was sitting on his chair in front of his desk, writing something down. He turned his head as he heard us coming in, glancing at us over his shoulder.

Sighing he shoved the papers away from him before he spun around on the chair, staring at us coldly. Wow, he looked just as motivated as I felt.

He gestured towards the couch, demanding us to sit down while he rolled with his chair to the couch table. Silently I followed Jhope around the table and sat down next to him. I was glad that Jhope at least stayed here. Wait, I wasn't getting too comfortable around him that I was actually glad he was here, right?

"By the way.." Suga mumbled before he leaned back, grabbing something from underneath the desk. My eyes widened slightly as he held up my backpack, throwing it over the small table for me to catch.

I thought I lost it for good. I opened it up, glancing inside to look if everything was still there. I felt relief wash over me, realizing I didn't have to get a replacement for all these cards and documents.

"The strap on the side is slightly damaged.." Suga mumbled, to which I searched for it. It looks like there was a cut on the side but it was covered in tape. Did he try to 'repair' it? I glanced back up at him but he wasn't even paying attention anymore as he was looking down on his phone.

Was this his way of trying to be nice or did someone else do it? Had I wrapped it with tape? Was it already damaged? Not that I could remember. But why would he tape it? I couldn't help but chuckle slightly at this. Who would even think they could repair something like that with fucking tape?

I glanced back up at him, smiling slightly. He met my gaze, glaring, daring me to make a comment. Okay, he's still scary. My smile quickly vanished, too intimidated by him to challenge him like that.

This time Jhope started to chuckle, not afraid of Suga's wrath. "Told you a little fluff ball.." he whispered in my ear, purposely loud enough for the other man to hear it as well. Suga glared at Jhope this time before he let out a deep breath.

"Can we begin now?" he asked annoyed to which Jhope and I nodded, Jhope still grinning. Suga nodded satisfied, ignoring the redhead and leaned closer towards the table. I placed my backpack on the side of the couch, making sure it was out of the way.

"Actually V is the one who should be teaching you all this shit since it's his fault in the first place.." Suga sighed tiredly. Why wasn't V teaching me 'this shit' then? Not that I was complaining, since that would have been worse than Suga teaching me. But the way Suga just said that it sounds as if V was avoiding it on purpose.

Maybe that's what he wanted to tell me earlier, that he's going to let me be and just let me avoid him in peace. That would actually be pretty nice. But it sounded pretty unbelievable too.

"What we're going to 'teach' you now.." Suga continued, drawing quotation marks in the air with his fingers "Is all basic stuff. It's common sense, even you shouldn't be too dumb to understand so I don't get why we have to tell you in the first place..". I frowned at him at the comment he made, offended. Even I? Asshole.

I glanced at Jhope to see his reaction to Suga's comment. Jhopes sighed at the older one and shook his head. I was glad that he didn't seem to just ignore it and noticed that that was just an unnecessary thing to do. Suga on the other hand ignored Jhope's reaction and let out a tired yawn.

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