Guardians of the wild

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In the shadows they prowl, with eyes of gleaming gold,

Wild cats roam the forests, where ancient stories are told.

Silent hunters of the night, with stealth and grace they tread,

Their untamed spirits roam free, where the wild paths are led.

Majestic and untamed, through the underbrush they roam,

Their presence a symphony, in nature's ancient tome.

From the mighty lion's mane, to the agile leopard's leap,

Each wild cat's unique beauty, in the wilderness runs deep.

In the moon's soft glow, they dance with whispered might,

Their untamed hearts pulsing, in the cover of the night.

Guardians of the wild, with a spirit fierce and free,

They embody independence, in nature's symphony.

So let us honor these creatures, in forests near and far,

For they are the wild's poetry, beneath the moon and stars.

In the untamed wild, where their spirits roam and play,

Wild cats embody freedom, in their ancient, wild array.

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