Chapter 8: Uh...

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Hilda was finally gonna hang out with her friends. But Johanna needed her to do something urgent.

Johanna: "Hilda, can you clean my car?"

Hilda completely lost her mind. Her patience finally gave out. Her face went red, and her eyes twitched.

Johanna: "Uh... You okay, Hilda?"

Hilda: "Yeah. I'm fine."

And Hilda went to clean her mother's car.

Thomas was going on his branch line, when Sir Topham Hatt came up to him.

Sir Topham Hatt: "Thomas, I need you to work at the waste dump."

Thomas had enough, but he knew had to do it.

Thomas: "Yes, sir. Right away, sir."

And Thomas left to work at Whiff's Waste Dump.

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