Chapter 1 - Another day begins

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The sun had just began rising, the sky which had been dark now a slight blue, the light peering through the curtains into Miku and Luka's bedroom. The two still sleeping cuddled together like usual. They always slept together and they would always cuddle. The two couldn't stand being apart. 

Miku and luka were married, and had been for four years. Infact they had been dating since high school and never once had they separated. 

The two slept peacefully until Luka's alarm awoke her up, she tried to reach her hand for her phone to turn it off until finally she did. Surprisingly it didn't wake up Miku, or so she thought. Luka then began to wiggle her way out of Miku's arms. Successfully managing to get out of bed without waking up Miku, well she thought she did anyway.

Luka walked towards the door when she felt two arms wrap around her waist, which slightly surprised but she was kinda used to it.

Miku yawned "ugh......Luka please come lay back down. Can't you just take one day off? Please?" Miku asked Luka in a drowsy half asleep voice. 

Miku did this every morning, it never worked but she still tried.

"Miku I wanna stay home but I can't, I have to go to work so I can make money so we can pay the bill and buy what we need." Luka said in a calm voice. 

Miku sighed "Bills are stupid." Miku said sadly.

"Hey cheer up, how about this since I don't have to work this weekend how about we watch a movie when I get home." Luka said to Miku trying to cheer her up.

"Ok." Miku said in a defeated voice. 

Luka walked out of the bedroom to the kitchen, Miku followed her. Luka still had an hour to get ready so Miku wanted to make breakfast. Miku thought and decided to make eggs for Luka. Miku was good at cooking so usually she did the cooking, Luka could cook but she wasn't really good at it, often accidentally burning something. But Miku didn't mind, that gave her something she could do for Luka and she thought it was cute. 

"Hey Babe" Luka said. 

"Yes Luka-chan?" Miku replied.

"Can you fix me some coffee please?" Luka asked.

"Sure!" Miku replied. 

Miku decided to make the coffee first as I would take to long. Luka walked out the kitchen into the laundry room, getting her uniform which Miku had previously washed, dried, and hung out for Luka. Luka looked at her uniform.

 "I don't wanna go to work, I hate it there. Its boring tedious and exhausting." Luka thought. 

But then Luka remembered why she woke up and went to work everyday. She did it for Miku. She needed to go to work so she could provide for Miku, Miku had tried getting a job in the past but couldn't find anything that she wanted to do, nothing really interested her or really worked for her. So she had decided that she wanted to be a house wife, she wanted to clean around the house and keep things in order at their house.

"For Miku" Luka thought as she grabbed her uniform, she then walked to the bathroom to take a shower. 

Meanwhile Miku started making coffee, she waited as the coffee machine made the coffee until not was finally finished. Miku put Luka's cup of coffee on the table. Then she started making eggs for her and Luka. Meanwhile Luka continued to shower. 

After Luka was done showering she walked out the bathroom with her uniform on. Miku hear the bathroom door open as Luka walked out.

"You look so nice Luka-chan!" Miku said in a happy voice. A big smile formed on her face while her eyes closed.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 07 ⏰

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