Chapter 8: Christian's POV

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How the hell do I manage to find myself in these situations? I swirl my glass of fizzy champagne around while I laze my eyes around the ballroom. After the last disaster in a mafia high-class event, I swore to myself no more yet here I stand. I can't quite explain why other than my intuition demanding I attend tonight's fiesta.

I sigh and place my drink on an empty table, drinking tonight would be a bad idea. Bored out of my mind I retrieve my phone from my pocket. This may be a dumb mistake but I can't take anymore guests side eyeing me.

PJO Mega Fan

Today 8:14 PM

Good evening Ms Ambrose. What do you think about

me attending mob events? Would you disprove it?

I wait a few minutes for her to reply but ultimately give up. Jules has a very fast reply game, so she must be doing something else. I wonder how she spends her Friday evenings. If you asked me a month ago I would have said clubbing or overindulging, but now I'm curious what the feisty nerdy redhead gets up to.

Defeated, I decide to just leave, my gut feelings must be struggling in the wake of stress. As I turn towards the exit my breath catches in my throat. It's her. She's here. Jules. I feel caught off guard seeing her like this, she's not in her regular office wear but instead a satin green slip. She shakes her head and smiles and that's when I see him.

What the fuck is Josh Chen doing here? The blood underneath my skin turns into icicles and I feel lightheaded for a moment. She laughs. She fucking laughs. I undergo whiplash as my previously hypothermic and numb physique exponentially heats up. My eyes narrow in his direction and I can't help but feel enraged at the sight of Jules's arm tucked under his.

I stalk forward in her direct path. She doesn't even notice me. See, this is what annoys me about people like Josh. They are nothing. Look at him, no money, no prestige, no accomplishments. Yet girls always fall for his "charms". He can't tell a good joke to save his life, his humour is easy, cheap laughs that disguise his inferiority. But his Gemini mask is working its magic on Jules.

"Harper, what the hell are you doing here?" Finally she notices me. Her eyes take on a dulled annoyed expression and I want to snatch her away from Chen and remind her that we're something too.

"I could say the same for yourself Ambrose. I thought you and Mr. Chen broke up, what's this? He trying to win you back over in the second act?" I try my best to be nonchalant. But it's so very hard. Especially with Josh looking at her like they both are in on some secret that I'm not.

"Mind your own business Harper, and go home." and with those parting words Josh leads her away into a sea of people.

Who does she think she is dismissing me like that? I stare at her talking to the Don and I see Josh placing his hand on her upper back and then rubbing it. If I were a cartoon person, there would be steam coming out of my ears.

I used to think that whoever ended up marrying that woman would be a poor old bastard. I was wrong. She's going to marry a rich old bastard. To clarify, not me. But it sure as hell wasn't Chen either.

Great. And now they were dancing together. She was all pressed up against him and he was holding her like they've done this a million times before. I feel my intestines contract as I come to the realization that they probably have. Chen thinks he has it all figured out, how to be a romantic. Step 1: dance without any music. He probably thought it was sweet. I thought he looked dumb. And like an idiot.

I changed directions and arrived at the musicians' corner, they were sitting busy eating their dinner.

"I'll pay you 50 grand to play Moves Like Jagger by Maroon Five if you start playing right this second." I see them look at each other silently debating before I toss a wad of cash to the conductor. Debate over. The conductor stands up and replies to me, "Done. We need to set up the sound system but it shouldn't take longer than a few minutes."

With a nod I look over my shoulder to see Jules by herself. I walk towards her with purpose. "A dance my lady?" Admittedly, a little corny but girls eat that shit up.

Not Jules though, "Didn't I tell you to leave? And no, I'm not dancing with you. I have better things to do."

Internally I scoff, better things like lead Josh around like a leash? She turns her back to me again but at that very second I hear the opening of a cello.

I snatch her arm and pull her towards me, settling into a dancing position. I interrupt her before she can open that cruel lush mouth of hers, "Ambrose, the orchestra isn't playing for guests to not dance. And if you can suffer through a dance with Chen, then you can bear one with me."

"Fine. But after this you are leaving. End of discussion."

"Fine." I retort and press her closer to me as the beat drops. This was undoubtedly a bad idea. She was too close to me. Closer than ever before. I could see each individual eyelash and smell her scented skin. I push back the sudden hit of desire. Her dress which shook me when I first glanced at it now appears even more sinful. You know that expression, the dress doesn't make a woman, the woman makes the dress. Never been truer.

She twists and turns away from me and I counter by yanking her back to my chest. The dance turns into a push and pull of our wills, a tango of trust. Her body rams into mines, mine not any kinder to hers. I clutch onto her hand, refusing to let go even for a moment.

She moves fast, so I move faster. I know she feels the adrenaline rushing through her veins because I feel it too. Once she notices how I'm unintentionally competing with her she ups her antics. I twirl her round and round. She forces me to dip her low. Silly girl, she thinks I can't do a basic ballroom maneuver. I've never felt this excited in my life.

"Who knew Christian Harper could dance? Not well, but not everyone can be as perfect as me." Goosebumps erupt underneath my dark suit, my name sounds deluxe under her tongue. I desperately hope she doesn't feel my hands tremble on her slippery smooth fabric. She's taunting me.

I feel light headed and dizzy. I wretchedly want to be even closer to her. I press my mouth softly against the curve of her ear, "Don't act like this is easy as pie for you. I can feel your pulse racing and hear you panting in a futile attempt to keep up with me Rusty."

The song is coming to a close and I take advantage of her close proximity. Her hair whips past her grinning face and I feel the breeze it leaves behind.

"Rusty? What are we in, Lightning McQueen. Although that does fit, I have been called a Queen amongst other titles." She cuts the tension in half with her quick light hearted remark and the final note plays before the two of us still.

I stare into her dazzling eyes for a moment before bowing and grazing my lips against the tips of her fingertips. I hear Chen call her name and the spell is broken. Reminded of my place I rise and honour her earlier demand. "Enjoy the rest of your evening Ambrose."

Word Count: 1336

Note: Sorry for the long wait for the update. How mad would you be if I said I forgot 😭 

There is no set update time, but I am willing to negotiate with y'all about making one if you want. 

Also, the new season of Bridgerton is coming out soon! I wish it was Eloise's season but oh well, I'll take what I can get. 

Cheers, until next update 😌

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