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(Note:Sorry about the change in Billie's pronouns here, I'm too lazy to change the rest) 

   I saw Barnaby and smiled, that is until I saw something else and tried to see what it was, I was shocked when I saw that it was Billie. I hid around the corner and waited until they passed by me, Billie was cornered and backed up against the wall. Barnaby pulled out a knife and threw it at her, I started running as fast as I could(lol like the flash or something like that) and jumped between them.

While doing so the knife hit me instead, they both had a look of surprise. As I got up, I looked over and growled at Barnaby, "The hell's wrong with you? Trying to kill a kid? What kind of psychopath are you?" I tried to hold back from crying but couldn't manage to hold myself together, tears started dripping down my face. I took a deep breath and told Billie the directions to my room, she ran ahead of me and I started to follow.

I stopped and looked over at Barnaby again, he was staring at the ground. I felt my heart start to ache. I regretted yelling at him the way I did, "We're going to have a talk later, okay Barnaby." I continued to follow Billie. I arrived at my room and Billie was sitting on my bed, I sat down next to her. I was sure Barnaby had a reason to try and kill Billie, I was curious as to why she's here though.

I looked over at her, she seemed nervous around me. I looked at my hand and remembered I look more like Barnaby now that I'm a ghost. I looked back over at Billie, "So, I'm guessing you don't recognize me." Billie looked at me confused, "I don't think I've ever met you." I took a deep breath and started petting her on the head.

She blushed from the embarrassment of me doing so, "Girl, it's me, Barnetta." I giggled when I saw her reaction, "BARNETTA!? No way! And you're a-" I interrupted her, "A ghost. Yeah, I'm a ghost. Now, let's rewind shall we?" Billie looked like she had tons of questions. I thought to myself, 'Did I break her brain or something? What the heck.'

(Billie's P.O.V)

I had so many questions right now, like why is she here, and how is she a ghost, and just- just- my brain just can't keep up with it all. Barnetta patted me on the back and I relaxed, "Okay so, why and how are you here?" she looked up in thought. She then looked at me, "Well okay, if you really want to know. I remember that I had fallen off a really high cliff (Approximately 2,438ft), then I woke up in front of the mansion." I didn't want to believe it, my friend is actually a ghost.

 I figured she wondered why I was here, "That's quite the death. Well anyways, I recall you said something about 'looking for a haunted manor'. I thought you were being sarcastic but-" I trailed off. My vision got hazy and I felt weak, I fell back and passed out. I woke up around 3 hours later, I heard yelling from downstairs and looked over the balcony.

I saw Barnetta and Barnaby arguing, "-for the last time Barnetta, I tried to kill Billie because she tried to take my gem. It's an instinct I get from it." Barnetta put her hand over one of her eyes, faintly grunting in pain. Her ears fell and she looked away from Barnaby, "Look Barnaby, I'm just... very on edge. With what happened after I arrived and my new connection with your magic-" I didn't stick around long enough to hear the rest of their conversation.

 I went back into Barnetta's room, and sat on her bed. I suddenly heard an explosion, I ran down the stairs and saw Barnetta and Barnaby on the ground. I cautiously walked over to them, one of the Barnaboo's suddenly grabbed my arm and told me it's best to stay away for now. I unwillingly listened and stayed put, not knowing what to come.

  An hour passed and I had fallen asleep again, I woke up when I heard another explosion from outside. I jumped to my feet and looked around, Barnetta and Barnaby were gone and I ran outside.

The Ghost of the Manor (Barnaby x Writer)Where stories live. Discover now