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My date with Kim Taehyung was great! I think? Considering I have nothing to compare it to, this being my first date ever, I'd say it went well.

It was nothing grand or spectacular, we ate at a Korean spot he swore by because he said he was homesick and wanted a taste of home. I have to admit the food there was amazing and it definitely came close to the food in Korea. After that we went to this cute little ice cream shop and talked until it closed.

He was being sweet the entire time. Did not let me pay for one thing even though I insisted to which he would reply, "Next date is on you." This was clever of him because that meant I was agreeing on a second date. Which would be fine with me, I had fun on the first one.

There were certain things I've always dreamed of doing on my first date.

Number one: Holding Hands

When we were walking towards the ice cream parlor, I built up the courage and held his hand. His reaction was cute because I don't think he expected it. Once we broke that barrier of the first touch, we were mindlessly playing with each others hands while talking. It was perfect, no pressure to escalate things at all. We were content.

Number two: A kiss

Not a crazy make out session, but maybe just a quick chaste kiss? Does that happen on first dates?

I wasn't sure but it definitely didn't happen on mine. I was way too nervous. There were a few times where the moment was perfect. For example, when we walked to the car after ice cream and he held the car door open for me. I stood in front of him for a couple seconds. THAT would've been a perfect time for a quick 'thank you' peck but I just got so nervous under his stare that I ran away and sat down.

Was it nerves? Hell yes! I was nervous as hell. I have never kissed anyone before.

What if I'm no good?

What if I was SO bad that there would be no second date?

Tae was a gentlemen the entire night and only reciprocated whatever I initiated. Lisa was right, he is a good guy.

But he is a man, and if there is one thing I know about men is that they're impatient, especially when it comes to getting something they want. Any guy can be sweet and kind on a first date but what happens when we're on our 10th date and nothing has happened. It's too early to tell if Tae is that kind of guy.

So far, nothing but green flags. We'll just have to wait and see how long it lasts.

It was now the end of the night and Tae just dropped me off at the apartment. Another moment where I avoided a kiss.

I was in the elevator when I called my mom like I usually around this time.

"Hi mom"

"Hey sweetie, how was your day?"

"It was goooood, I just got back from a date..."

"Oh wow, a date? With who? Is he nice? How did you meet?"

"Woah mom, one question at a time please"

I hear my moms laugh through the phone as the elevator door opens.

"I'm sorrryyyy, I'm just excited. Tell me everything."

"His name is Kim Taehyung. He's from Korea too. I met him through my acting course and yeah he's very nice. I think you'd like him"

"Is that so? Well then when am I going to meet this young man? Should I catch the next flight to LA? Or is he coming here? Maybe for Christmas"

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