The Signs Stuck Together On The Highway

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Aries: Going over 100 mph, racing with other cars

Taurus: Talking about soccer enthusiastically in an attempt to distract everyone from Aries driving

Gemini: Playing their 3DS in the backseat

Cancer: Trying to calm Aries down

Leo: Reaching over Aries to honk the horn at other drivers they find attractive I just stare intently until they notice me then I look away

Virgo: Yelling at Aries to SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!!! I'M NOT TRYING TO DIE TODAY!!!

Libra: Texting their hoes

Scorpio: Mysteriously staring out the window and drawing cryptic symbols on themselves

Sagittarius: Egging Aries on because what the hell? You only live once.

Capricorn: Ignoring everyone and has their ear buds in

Aquarius: Plotting the murders of Aries and Taurus in their head

Pisces: Hugging their knees to their chest and thinking "we're all gonna die."

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