Chapter 17~Not the end

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I hopped in the car and buckled up.

I put the car in reverse and backed up.

"This is it,I'm moving.''I say looking at Harry

"This is it" He said as his voice faded

"Harry I will come back just maybe in a couple years after everything blows over''I say

"I know,''

He grabbed my hand and we held hands.

5 hours later.

I gripped the stirring wheel and didn't talk.

Harry started snoring.

I laughed and turned the music up a little.

I sang and sang.

My voice cracked on a high part I started busting out laughing.

"What are you laughing at babe?"Harry says in a sleepy voice

"I was singing and my voice cracked and it sounded like a dying cow.''

Harry chuckled and sat up.

"Where are we?"

"We are going into Alabama"

"Do you want me to drive?"

"Its fine but I'm getting a little hungry"

"We need to get food in about an hour"

"Alright thats fine with me"

I kept on driving.

On and on.

I looked at the clock and about 30 minutes had passed by and Harry was asleep again.

I nudged his arm and he slowly woke up.

"Harry I'm getting really hungry and we need to stop for gas.''

"Alright stop somewhere''

"I would but I don't know where the nearest exit is and I like about to go empty.''

"Gosh Ok its ok I will look''

We went about ten minutes not seeing a exit off the interstate.

The gas is on empty.

"There's one!"Harry screamed

I quickly pulled off the exit and got to the gas station.

I gave Harry 40$ to fill up the gas.

He got out and went and bought the gas.

I filled it up and he walked over to me.

"Let me drive please you need sleep'' He says getting close to my face

"I will sleep on the plane''I say looking down

"Please Kaitlyn, you have been driving five and a half hours straight''

I looked up and said "Fine''

He laid his chin on the top of my head and held me tight in his arms.

A black Z71 came beside the truck.

A guy about mine and Harry's age stepped out.

"Sweetheart want to ride in this baby once? My trucks more manlier than he will ever be!" The boy said with a smirk on his face staring at Harry.

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