Season 10 Episode 21: Dark Dynasty Pt 1

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*Yes 3 posts in one week. I have mentioned more than once that I write two fan fictions. While Robin comes out on Mondays, I also have a Sons of Anarchy fan fic that gets posted on Fridays. Well Samcro Princess is officially between seasons, and honestly I need to post something. As such, here we go*

She was lying in a field as black clouds rolled overhead, blocking out the sun, consuming the world in darkness. The long, damp cold grass enveloped her like a blanket. She couldn't move, just watched the sky.

When the darkness came, she suddenly found herself in a plastic box. It wasn't big enough for her to stand up completely, though she could turn to see all around her. She was standing outside of it, or it looked like her. Whatever it was, it was wearing her face. It watched her in curiosity, it didn't seem malevolent, just confused. It appeared to be dressed in attire not unlike something she would pick to be undercover as an agent. It was more polished and a softer makeup pallet. Her, but not really her. This is when the boys appeared behind her. But as they approached, the Robin standing in front of her walked away until she disappeared.

Robin screamed to them and banged on the side of the box, but they couldn't see her, hear her. They simply watched painfully as the other Robin walked away.

"Babe" Dean's voice rang in her head. "Babe wake up."

Robin's eyes sprang opened and she soon realized she was in her room in the bunker. Dean was staring at her, his brow furrowed.

"Same dream" he asked her in a low husky growl?

"Yeah" she let out the breath she had been holding. She turned to her nightstand and grabbed her water.

"You okay" he asked?

"Fine" she muttered into her glass and took another sip.

"I mean you are a witch" he pushed. "This could be like prophetic. Maybe you should see a dream interpreter, or a psychic."

"I said I'm fine" she replied with a little more force this time. "Besides, most of them are full of shit."

"Maybe Cas can help" He suggested.

"Maybe" she nodded into her last gulp of water. Her tone had a lack of enthusiasm.

And why wouldn't it? Sam and Cas had been hard to obtain these days. When you did get one, he would speak to you in one-word sentences and avoiding eye contact, that was if you were lucky enough to see one. Castiel was a terrible liar as such, she figured the last time she saw him was when she left with Claire.

They were up to something and since Robin had made her declaration of transparency with Dean, they simply kept everything from her now too.

"Coffee" Dean offered? "Can go into town? Get it from that shop you like?"

"That sounds great" she nodded. "I uh, I'll get a shower. Then I'll start my research."

"Right" he nodded back. He kissed her cheek before he got up from the bed and began his agreed upon quest.

She hopped in the shower and let the hot water run down her. She questioned if maybe she should have stayed on the same path as Sam. No. She knew in her gut, the secrets from Dean would be eating her alive right now. No, instead the not knowing what he was up to was.

Her research wasn't bringing her any closer to getting the mark off Dean. She attempted to talk to Crowley. A crossroads deal. He declined. Told her this was well beyond a deal, even for the King himself.

She'd resorted to an earlier tactic though she was even less optimistic than the first time. She got on her knees, begging any angel to help her. Unlike the first time when Castiel came, no one heeded her call. She sort of figured she was blacklisted with the angels now.

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