A sister and mother

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Jungwon was completely frozen, staring at the paper in front of him. He hadn't meant to go snooping but curiosity won over and he gave in to it. Now Jungwon kind of wished that he had never looked in Ji-an's room. Not only was it an invasion of privacy but he found out something he wasn't sure he wanted to know. The sound of footsteps reached his ears and Jungwon quickly put everything back the way it was before and then tried to look as innocent as possible when Heeseung walked in, stopping.

"What are you doing in here?" Heeseung wondered. He had actually came to look around for the same reason as Jungwon but he wasn't going to let his brother know that.

"Nothing! What are you doing?" Jungwon snapped, panicking.

"Looking for you. Come on, you shouldn't be in here" Heeseung moved to let Jungwon pass. None of them were allowed to be in Ji-an's room unless she was there. Jungwon hurried out of the room, going downstairs as quickly as he could.

"There you are! Where did you go?" Ji-an motioned Jungwon over.

"Nowhere, eomma" Jungwon responded. Ji-an felt like she had been punched in the gut. Sometimes the boys called her that when she was being bossy or overbearing but this time, it was different. Jungwon continued to glare at her and give Ji-an dirty looks all throughout dinner and even while him, Niki and Jay were cleaning up since it was their turn to do so. Ji-an tried not to think anything about it until she went to her room and could tell that something was different. With an air of suspicion, she went back downstairs to where the boys were gathered, their eyes glued to either the TV screen, their phones or Switches.

"Did any of you boys go into my room?" Ji-an got right to the point. She noticed Jungwon tense up and Heeseung glance secretly at the second maknae. Ji-an knew he hated tattling on his brothers and he only did it if there was a good reason. This time though, Ji-an was not quite sure that she wanted there to be a good reason. 

"Jungwon?" Ji-an had a bad feeling about this. Jungwon only got up and went to his room, closing the door. All eyes were now on Ji-an.

"What was that about?" Jake wondered. Ji-an felt dread fill inside her.

"I think I know" Ji-an shook her head. She couldn't believe it.

"Do you want to tell us?" Jay waited.

"Not right now. You'll find out soon enough" Ji-an answered. There was no way to hide it anymore, not if Jungwon knew. It was clear that the boys were going to keep asking questions but Ji-an stopped them. She was not in the mood to deal with a barrage of questions and ones that she did not have the answer to without completely shattering her brothers' trust in her. Heeseung and Jay cornered her later that night, sitting down next to their sister.

"He knows?" Heeseung guessed. He was one of the only ones who also knew, along with Jay. They didn't tell anyone else because Ji-an begged them not to. 

"He must have saw the certificate. I knew I was going to have to do this sooner or later but I thought I had more time. I didn't think he would find out so soon" Ji-an shook her head, muttering to herself.

"The best thing you can do now is just talk to him. I'm sure he'll understand, eventually" Jay cut in. The older girl knew that he was right and part of her hated that he was. 

"I'm just not sure if I can handle him looking at me any differently. I've always been a sister to all of you, I'm not sure how to be anything else. I don't know how to be a sister to most of you and something else to another" Ji-an admitted. 

"Your our sister but let's be honest, none of us ever actually saw you that way, at least for most of our lives. You've been the parent that we all needed so I think you got this figured out pretty well. Nothing has to change. Talk to Jungwon but tell him that nothing is going to change, and he doesn't have to see you any differently" Heeseung explained. 

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