Made For Eachother.

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y/n pov.
Me and Tara have been friends since we were kids, I'm meeting up with her today, but she and her ex boyfriend Jake webber, recently just broke up. Im glad there still bestfriends, it's like nothing ever happened and I'm glad for that. Jake's always been a gentleman to her. He's very sweet. He's the only boy I've ever approved of for Tara's likings. I've also just gone through a breakup, my best friend Johnnie, Jakes' best friend. I miss him very much even after what he did. I'll always love him. But idk if he feels the same.

Johnnie's Pov,
I wake up by getting a message from Tara that makes me jolt up with excitement but also sadness. I lay back down. I've been laying in bed for almost two days. I'm starving, but I don't feel like I deserve to eat right now. I open the message deciding if I should even answer since the message is about y/n, my ex. I miss her, but I fucked up. me and y/n have been bestfriends since middle school we've always been Inseparable, but after our break up we havent seen eachother since. I feel lost without her.

Tara's gonna get mad since I'm not answering I better answer.

I read the message once again.
Hey Johnnie. I'm hanging out with y/n today, I know you guys aren't on the best Terms right now, but you seem so sad, honestly so does she, I think you should come to hang out with us? I smile to myself, Tara is the sweetest she cares for other people and always wants peope to be the happiest. She really does care.

I reply with, i don't think she wants to see me Tara.

Johnnie trust me she does, she still talks about you all the time, she's still upset after what you did. But she told me that she hopes one day she will see you again and to try to work out everything with you.
                             I feel the same way, I love her still and I feel so stupid for kissing that girl, I was drunk and I wasnt thinking straight but thats no excuse, im just nervous to see her I guess.

Johnnie. y/n loves you. Don't over think, its gonna be okay. Be ready by 3 please.
                                         Okay I'll be ready.

y/n doesn't know you are coming, by the way. I want to surprise her, I think she'll be happy, I hope.

"I hope?" wait y/n doesnt know im coming? Wait i need to calm down and listen to tara, i need to stop overthing everything. I quickly reply with

                                                            oh okay.

I turn off my phone, smiling to myself thinking about how I finally get to see
y/n I've been waiting to see her for about 1 year And today's finally the day.

I yawn while forcing myself to get out of  bed. I walk over to my closet to pick  my outfit for today, I grab some black skinny jeans, a MCR shirt, and my black Jacket with all my pins on it.

I walk over to the shower. Trying not to look into the mirror so I don't get disgusted with myself.


I'm finally done getting ready, I look horrible I think to myself, why would y/n still want me? Just look at me, I'm pathetic. I get Startled out of my thoughts, from getting a call from Tara, SHIT IM LATE. I run out the door, running into Tara's car.

Oh my God I'm so sorry Tara, I say out of breathe. Yeah yeah just sit down. Tara says laughing. I break the silence saying,
Tara? I'm scared she won't love me anymore. I say almost about to cry. Tara looks at me and says Johnnie she loves you trust me, its okay your just overthinking it. Just sit down and try to not think about it till we pick her up. I don't say anything back I just hum as response.

as we were driving. my stomach rumbles, I think to myself, I hope she didn't hear that, I don't want her to have to worry about me.  

Johnnie? I didn't see you eat anything yesterday? Have you ate today?

shit. I mumble.

759 words.
(Ik Johnnie would never cheat its just for the story) my first story!!
Idk how I feel about this one.
Love youu🥰🫶🏼


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