A red rose.

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I love this ship for no reason I wish there was more on Wattpad but here we are collecting the fandom
This chapter will include:
Like uhh nothing bad tbh
Im going to eat you
Ash's POV:

I'll always hate math class. And the fact it's the first class of the day it makes it even worse. He doesn't even have any friends in this class to. That made him a target. But whatever right? He still had good grades and shit. Got junior year sucked.

Ash noticed a new kid. He was sitting next to him so that's cool. I guess...anyway.

"Okay class today I want to introduce you guys to a new student. Meet Reddoons." God the most annoying teacher in the universe. And what type of name is "Reddoons?" I mean I can't really talk- my name is Ashswag.. but whatever.

"I hope you guys are all nice to him. Anyway I'm letting you guys do whatever you want this period. Just stay in the class. I have important stuff to do." Like making out with the other male math teacher? Yeah he noticed. There is no way I'm going to socialize with a new kid. But at the same time I'd rather have him be with me than those weird popular kids that have definitely been staring at him.

"Uhh..hey red right?" I sound so fucking weird.

"Oh uh..yeah what's your name?"
"It's Ashswag..but call me Ash."
"You seem like the person to throw someone off a bridge.." he reads me like a book. I would do that huh..

"I'm taking that as a compliment."
And he laughs. I wonder what's up with the sunglasses tho- whatever.
3rd POV:
Ash and red start talking. They talk the whole class. And at the end they exchange phone numbers. Ash has really never actually befriended someone so fast. He kinda hopes that Red will be in his next class. So he asks and he's in half of his classes. Why is he so happy? That makes no sense. Whatever.

It was lunch now. Ash introduced Red to his other friends. Spoke immediately started to make ships but the one everyone agreed with was Ash and red. They both laughed it off and shook their heads. Red made sure to tell people he was aroce. Ash also told red he was aromatic. So I guess it could never work. They all hung out together before lunch ended and Ash and Red walked to their next class together.

The end for now! I have lots of motivation but I wanna spend it on editing! So yeah ^^ it's kinda short but it's a change and I like this style way better than the old :)

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