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It was as if time slowed down, Mattheo spun his head around as he heard the spell leave Bellatrix's lips. He glanced to Ariella quickly, her eyes closed and a small sad smile resting on her lips. He'd told Ariella earlier on today that she was the bravest person he'd ever met and she was but what he didn't tell her was that, he wished to be as brave as she was. So, he ran as fast as he could, throwing his body in front of hers and when Ariella didn't feel the spell hit her, she opened her eyes to see it hit Mattheo right in the middle of his chest.

Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open as his body fell to the floor, all the life that once filled his eyes, gone. Ariella fell to her knees, a blood curdling scream left her lips, as tears coated her cheeks. He was gone, gone, because he gave his life for hers. She let her head fall to his chest, as sobs racked her body. She begged for him to come back to her. Harry placed a hand on the girls back and when he did Ariella lifted her head, her gaze falling upon Bellatrix Lestrange. Ariella rose to her feet, her chest rising and falling rapidly. The paraffin appeared by itself, without Ariella needing to conjure it. She could feel her emotions building inside of her, anger, sadness, heartbreak and for once, she didn't fight it. She let it explode out of her, a wave of black smoke heading straight for the bitch that killed her friend and when it did, it tore her apart. Ariella's power was fuelled by her love for Mattheo and that was the strongest type of power there was, love. Bellatrix was nothing but ash in the air now, she paid for what she did, in the worst way possible.

Ariella let the power dissipate as she fell back to the ground, taking Mattheo's cold hand in her own. She lifted his hand and placed a kiss to the back of it.

"I love you, I'll always love you" Ariella whispered the words, hoping that wherever he was now, he heard them. She brushed his brown curls away from his forehead before laying his hand gently back over his chest. Ariella rose to her feet, stumbling slightly as she turned to Harry.

"Destroy it" Her voice was cold and her glare harsh, no life sat behind her eyes anymore. Harry nodded his head, grabbing the basilisk fang in his hand again and delivering the last fatal blow. Ariella watched as the part of the dark lords soul, exploded out of the diadem. As it wished to torment someone one last time, Ariella raised her hands, encasing the evil with her own powers and crushing it in her grip. Harry watched Ariella with wide eyes before turning to his own two friends who looked just as shocked.

"It's time for him to die" Ariella let a tear fall from her eye before turning back to Mattheo's body. "I'll make sure someone comes back for you, I promise". Ariella turned and walked away and all she longed for in this moment was Theo. She prayed to Merlin himself that he wasn't harmed, that he was roaming the halls somewhere, fighting deatheaters and helping people.

After looking for him for what felt like hours, she found him, on the main staircase. Alecto Carrow and Greyback both throwing spells at him left, right and centre. Ariella lowered her eyes, she wasn't going to lose him too. Conjuring the paraffin was easy now, easier than it had ever been and she wasted no time, in grabbing their bodies in the grip of her magic. She squeezed harder and harder until she saw blood start to pour from their eyes. Their skin turning a shade of purple and once she was sure they were dead, she dropped their bodies to ground carelessly. Theo's eyes widened and he spun around to see Ariella, stood at the top of the staircase behind him and as he smiled and went to take a step towards her, he noticed the vacant expression on her face and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Ari what happened?" Theo gulped.

"M-Mattheo is dead" Her voice broke as she spoke the words.

"No...no h-he can't be" Theo placed his hand over his chest and took quick steps towards Ariella, wrapping his arms around her body.

"He died to save me. Bellatrix she-she was about to kill me and he jumped in front of the spell I-.." Ariella wrapped her arms tightly around Theo's torso. Tears soaking his shirt. Theo didn't say anything, he couldn't. Not yet.

"He dies now. He's taken too much" Ariella pulled away from Theo's grip and stared into his eyes, Theo nodded and took ahold of her hand. Both of them making their way to the courtyard. Ariella was happy to see Harry, Hermione and Ron in the middle of the hoards of students fighting for their lives. Ariella turned to look at Theo before she pulled up her left sleeve, revealing the mark. The mark that would forever remind her of him and what he did. She pointed her wand to it, watching as it swayed on her skin and within seconds he appeared. Surrounded by his followers and the rest joined him swiftly, stopping the violent fighting, allowing those who had lost someone, time to mourn.

"Harry Potter, the boy who lived, come to die" He smiled, revealing his blackened teeth. He held his arms out to his sides, earning laughs from all around him. Ariella sneered, before she stepped forward, out of the crowd. Theo tried to grab her hand but she shrugged him off, walking to stand next to Harry.

"Ariella Black, you disappoint me. You could have been great. We could have been great" The cloaked man, smiled before tilting his head to the side.

"No...you are evil. You care for no one except yourself. Your own son died, because of you!" Ariella let the tears fall as she glared at him. The smile fell from the dark lords face and his expression turned cold.

"If you will not fight for me. You are of no use to me anymore" he lifted his wand, turning his wrist. Theo's eyes widened and he took a few steps forward, Ariella spun around and gave him a soft smile before she squeezed Harry's hand, telling him it was time. Harry spun around pointing his wand at Theodore. "Immobulus".

Theo's body stopped, as if it was frozen in time and a tear left Ariella's eye. "I love you" she muttered under her breath before turning to face the dark lord. She took a few steps forward before throwing her wand to the side, it hit the concrete, disappearing into the rubble.

"Do it" She shouted across the courtyard, closing her eyes and tilting her head back. Voldemort smiled "goodbye Ariella Black".

"Avada Kedavra!"

(1174 words)

Kisses xoxo

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