Chapter 2

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Piper's Pov

I woke up to the sound of pots and pans banging together. I sluggishly got out of bed and walked to the kitchen.

Jake: "good morning." he said in a sing songy voice

Piper: "good morning."  i sighed

i walked to the fridge and got a water bottle. I sat down at the island next to johnnie.

Jake: " so i was wondering if you wanted to film a video with us piper?"

I didn't know that they made made videos. I knew tara did because i was in some of hers but I didn't know that they did too.

I was hesitant at first but I decided too because the fair was at 8 so we had plenty of time.

Piper: " what do you wanna do for the video?"

Jake: "I was thinking that we could do a cooking video"

I agreed and went to go and take a shower.


Jake turned the camera on and he started to talk.

Jake: Hey guys! today we are going to be doing a cooking video with my lovely wife Johnnie and a new guest Piper!

He started talking about what we were going to be doing and made a few jokes with Johnnie. God I love the way he smiles and the way he laughs.

sorry guys but another time skip!

After the video it was already 5:00 so I decided to take a shower. God I looked so ugly. My hips look weird an my stomach looks horribly.

I got out the shower and picked out an outfit.

                                    The fit^^

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The fit^^

                                    The fit^^

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                                make up^^^


I checked my phone and realized that it was 7:30. Damn I didn't think I took that long but whatever. I picked up my phone and put on my shoes and ran downstairs.

Jake: "finally your ready I thought you where going to take six more hours!"

Piper:"sorry guys I didn't think I took so long but lets go!"

We all got in the car with Jake driving Tara next to him and me and Johnnie in the back. Tara put on some one direction and me and her sang along.

Time skip to the fair

After the longest drive in the world we finally made it to the fair. There where so many people there and I felt kinda nervous.

Johnnie: "Hey are you okay?"

Piper: " Yeah just a little nervous . There are so many people."

Johnnie: " It's going to be okay"

He smiled at me and I smiled back. Jake went to go get the tickets and we started to walk around. Johnnie held my hand and I felt butterflies.

Tara: "Piper wanna go get ice cream?"

Piper:" Im not hun-

Tara pulled my arm away from Jake and Johnnie.

Tara: " Okay so I tolled Jake that you liked Johnnie but don't worry he wont tell him hes just going to ask him how he feels about you."

I was shocked but also kinda relieved. What if Johnnie likes me back?

509 words^^

sorry for making this chapter so short but i promise the next one will be so much better! and maybe some drama?

✧.* I need you ✧.* Johnnie gilbert x readerWhere stories live. Discover now