We Get Vibe Checked

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Braeden Pov

a/n sorry for the hiatus, know you are loved, stay safe.

Braeden was wearing his favorite Perry The Platypus teeshirt. He was sat between Ally and Allie on the bus to Hollywood Studios. Ally was wearing a pink top and shorts, while Allie was wearing a red tank top and jeans.

The trio enjoyed the first half of their day, getting starbucks on Hollywood boulevard, rope dropping Rise of Resistance and getting called a "Fine looking group of recruits" By Poe. They ate lunch at Pizza Rizzo which alarmed them because of their run in with rats the night before. Everything was going well, too well. Braeden had an uneasy feeling probably because he was a child of Apollo with prophetic abilities.

The trio sat around the Miss Piggy as the statue of Liberty fountain ⛲️. They were very quiet, the third day of a disney trip is always low in moral. "Guys how do you think the kids are? i'm worried about them." Ally spoke breaking the silence.

"They'll be okay, Annabeth is smart." Braeden tried to reassure his friend.

"I don't know... look at the sky, it's very dark." Ally said nervously.

"The gods are definitely still upset." Allie agreed. "But those kids have to go all the way to the underworld it could be taking a little long that's all." Allie continued.

Ally sighed. "I'll never forget when Annabeth asked me to be head councilor, I just hope she's okay." Ally said.

"You're better than me, I would've never let her." Braeden explained.

"Yeah you're too nice!" Allie added.

"Yeah it's my fatal flaw." Ally said sadly.

"omg fun! mines narcissism!" Allie added.

Braeden wondered about his fatal flaw, he hadn't really thought about it before.

Braeden continued to think about the three young demigods on a quest to retrieve zeus's lighting bolt.

"I just can't believe that kid shows up and gets a quest on the first day!" Braeden thought out loud.

"Wow! jealous much." Ally commented.

"Pft. Jealous." Braeden replied.

"I mean.. you did try and give the son of Poseidon a swirly." Allie explained.

"It's just! He got a quest on the first day, i can't even win the Linnie's." Braeden said dejectedly.

"The linnie's aren't all they're cracked up to be." Allie explained.

"Too you! Mr. D would pick you every time if you wanted it." Braeden replied. "I can barely get my dad to pick me." Braeden continued sadly.

"All you need is to get his attention!" Ally said trying to encourage the boy.

"I do! See I get older, but never wiser like you or picked for the linnie's like Allie." Braeden explained.

"Come on..." Ally started but was cut off.

"It's EXHAUSTING always rooting for myself." Braeden sighed as he stared directly into the sun.

"Hey, let's get you a wookie cookie and find that key." Allie said with a smile.

The trio stood up from their spot at the fountain and began walking towards Galaxies Edge for their cookie.

"And Braeden, I think this is your year." Allie added as the trio walked towards the tunnel.

The trio walked through the tunnel. "Hey does it seem weirdly dark and longer than usual to you guys?" Allie asked.

"Yeah somethings not right here." Ally added.

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