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 The storm raged around the group of cats, despair raining upon them just as heavy as the water. Cats yowled in confusion and protest, for there was no full moon in the sky tonight.

"Specklestar!" one called to a spotted brown tom. "The gathering cannot happen this night!"

The tom looked grimly back to his dark tabby ally. "Have you any idea what could have brought this rage from StarClan, Juniperclaw?"

The first shook his head. "There's never been a storm like this on the night of the full moon. Whatever has angered StarClan has made them merciless."

The two were interrupted by a yowl from the camp behind them. They turned to see a third cat, a dark gray tom with yellow eyes, join them in a panic.

"Juniperclaw, come quick! Mistheart is having her kits!"

"Dear StarClan, now of all nights?!" The tabby followed the gray tom to one of the dens, where a silvery she-cat groaned in pain. He prodded the she-cat's round belly.

"It feels like you'll be having a big litter. Shadeleap, get her a stick; something strong enough for her to bite down on." With a nod, the gray cat dashed out of the den.

"My kits," the she-cat hissed through gritted teeth. "Will they survive this storm?"

"Of course," Juniperclaw reassured her. "You've got all of RiverClan supporting you." As Shadeleap returned with the stick, the tabby pushed it toward her. "Here. bite on this." He felt Mistleap's belly again, then nodded. "The first kit is coming. Push!"

The she-cat let out a muffled cry, silenced further by the thunder booming overhead.


Juniperclaw exited the den, the sounds of tiny mews in his ears. Typically, he would have been ecstatic to hear the sounds of kits but tonight, as he looked up to the cloudy sky and the passing storm, he could only feel dread.

"Sounds like there's some good news in there," Specklestar purred, his ears flicking in the direction of the nursery.

"Two toms and two she-cats. All healthy and strong," The healer reported, sitting next to his leader.

"I'd think you'd be more pleased with that many new kits in the clan," the spotted tom retorted lightly. Juniperclaw only sighed.

"I fear what their birth may mean. Clouds covered the moon long before the gathering. This is the first time in many moons that the clans haven't been able to meet." The tabby looked back to the nursery with a dark look on his face. "And I don't think those kits being born tonight are any coincidence. I fear this may be a warning from StarClan."

"If it is a warning, we'll keep an eye on them," Specklestar promised. "Besides, even if they are a danger, they won't be able to do anything for several moons. They're just kits, after all."

"For now," Juniperclaw replied, staring up at the starless sky above. "May StarClan watch over us."

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