Chapter I

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It all began when Anthony I started dating... (Sighs) I've always had a choice to choose between Anthony and Chris. I chose Anthony because he was less bitchy and sensitive, well at least that's what I thought. Chris was always very bitchy, sensitive, and envious of Anthony when I was dating Anthony because he had one thing that Chris desired more than anything else in the world...Me. I thought that what Anthony and I had was really true love. I thought I loved him. I would've done ANYTHING for him. Anthony wasn't very affectionate. One day in school...He completely ignored me. It was the day we came back from Spring Break. I was upset. And one thing that really pissed me off is that Anthony just smiled and laughed with everyone else like there was nothing wrong. That whole day I was pretty pissed. And all my friends tried to make me feel better but that didn't work. I remember walking past him and hearing him say "Hi" and I said "Bye". And I was terribly hurt that day and he had the urge to laugh. He acted so careless towards everything. Chris was always loving towards me and he made me smile when I was down and he always bought me up when I was down. Anyways... Later on that day when I came home... I got a call from Anthony. "So...what was wrong with you today in school" he asked. "Wow... You are a real dick", I said bluntly. "You didn't say a damn thing to me what the fuck was your problem because you just acted like I wasn't there". "I was nervous to talk to you." "I'm your girlfriend why the fuck would you be nervous to talk to me Anthony?" I asked. "I don't know I ju-." He was cut off. "You just what! You fucking ignored me, you didn't look at me, and you didn't take care of me! How could you even say you love me! I have given you my all and my love and this is how you repay me?" "I-...I'm sorry" he replys. After he said that I hung up. "He is an asshole. If he thinks he can treat me like this, he's got another thing comin. Let's see how he likes it when I flirt with his Best Friend Chris...Ha! I'm tired of this shit. He likes other females anyway and he flirts with other girls too." I bluntly thought to myself. Later on that day at night time in the shower I thought to myself about what had happened. And I decided that I'm not gonna say anything to Anthony tomorrow.
The Next Day
When I walked into the classroom...
Somebody decided to speak... "Hey" Anthony said. I just walked by him as if he didn't even exist. Chris and I sit right across from each other. Chris walked in and says "Hey Amelia". "Hey Chris". Chris seemed really happy that day and he was pretty flirty too! "How are you this morning beautiful?" "I'm pretty good thank you very much handsome." As I pay attention to what's going on I notice that Anthony looks pretty down. "Eh, he can go fuck himself." I think to myself. The teacher begins to teach and everyone faces the front of the classroom. "Omg look at the tree." The entire table busts out laughing. "It looks like a-." Jay is cut off. "That's the point! Haha." Chris says.
Later on that day...
I'm walking back to class after lunch...
Chris walks up to me and says "Are you and Anthony alright?" "Yeah he just has issues." "Are you okay? If you aren't okay I'm not okay.Chris says. "Yes ofcourse." I blush.Chris had always been my crush. He makes me blush. "Okay I'll catch up with you later toots. And I'm here if you ever need me." He then gives me a soft, gentle kiss on my cheek. "What the hell is this!" "Uh Oh." I quickly turn around to see who said that. "Oh shit! It's Anthony!"
To Be Continued...
"What the hell is this. Chris get off her!" Anthony says furiously. He begins to punch Chris aggressively. "Get the fuck off of him!" I then slap Anthony. "Don't you ever...EVER put your hands on him because I promise you that if it happens again...I will unleash all hell on you! I am done with you and your bs." "Wha-what is that supposed to mean Amelia?" " I'm done with you..."
Damn...I have to admit it was hard for me to watch a sexy girl like her walk away from me...I though I was gonna be alright but I just lost the girl who loved me the most...I can't stop thinking about the look Chris gave me!Its like he wanted that to happen. You know what? Fuck them. I am the badass, I am the hottie, I'm the guy every girl wants, I'm the player... I've had better than her anyway...
"Are you okay?" Amelia looks at me like she wants to kill me and then...she smiles at me. She gently and gracefully kisses me on the lips...Her kisses were as soft as a baby's bottom. Her feel as fine as a rose. And her taste... Oh her taste as sweet as sugar...She then laughs gently and softly and says "'re hot... There's a lot more where that came from." She walks away and then turns around and says..." And..thanks." "For what?" She walks up to me and kisses me once more and says, "For everything." I thought to myself damn I just got kissed by the hottest and most popular girl in this school. Damn...
After all of that I decided to just go home and skip the rest of the day of school..."Damn why did I kiss him!" I thought to myself on my way to my car. I was really angry with myself and I just broke up with Anthony...I think it's safe to call this a shity day haha...On my way to my car I get a surprise visit..."You have a nice Lambo here babe." It's Jackson...Jackson is my ex boyfriend from Miami...we were hooked on each other...I loved him. He was my best. Until he cheated on my with one of my friends. We never been the same every since then. My family decided to move here to Cali. He followed..."What do you want?" I said. "You." He smiled. "Ugh...Believe it or not I'm having a shity day. Now is not the time for another one of your sexy games. I jus broke up with my boyfriend and-" I was cut off. " Wait do I have to beat his ass what the fuck did he do I'll kill him." Oh did I mention that he was very protective. I looked at him with a dead serious face. "Jackson seriously back the fuck off..." "You are still hott." I get out of the car...
She pushes me up against her beautiful red Lamborghini and makes out with me she was just having a shity day. It was Hott. And she says, "are you happy now." And she smiles in a sexy way.
Everyone was watching...Even Chris and Anthony. Chris looked heart broken and sad. But I already told Chris about Jackson and I. So I was about to run after Chris but then I saw everyone looking at me and I thought about what I just did so I put on my black Ray Bans and I tell Jackson "stay away from me I don't need to hurt anyone else." "Wait! But I love you." Everyone stops and looks at me... And sees me in tears and I say..."Babe...that's the problem..." I speeded off out of the drive way and go home...I fell asleep and ignored all of my calls and texts...all of a sudden...I hear the doorbell ring...And I see Chris at the door...I open the door and say "what are you doing here I-" .lol once again I was cut off...He kissed me...
"I'm sorry I just-" I cut Chris off. "Yea yea do u wanna go to a party. I feel like getting laid tonight....It would be my pleasure." He blushes. "W-well I guess I'll get ready." He says. When we arrived at the club thousands of men set their eyes on me. I danced into the crowd holding Chris' hand. As we danced he noticed how another guy came up behind me and began dancing with me.
Chris' P.O.V
Amelia gave me a seductive look and continued dancing with the guy. I pushed the guy out of the way grabbing Amelia by her waists and pushing my body against her's.
Amelia's P.O.V
I began to push up more to his body. I felt a little excitement growing in his pants. He kissed me. I rapped my arms around his neck while he had his hands on my butt. He squeezed my cheeks causing me to grab him by his shirt and throwing him against the wall and taking his shirt off. He ripped a part of my shirt exposing my bra. "I can't." I said. "I thought this is what you wanted." "Believe me it is...but I still love Jackson." He pushes his body away from mines in anger. He aggressively approaches me once more and takes me to a private room in the club. He takes off his pants and says "I wanna give it to you." I look at him wit an intense stare...and kiss him. "I love you more than Anthony ever will." He says. "Is this a competition to you Chris. Ugh." I push myself away from Chris. I then go to the bar and take 9 shots of nothing but tequila. "Aren't you under age to drink anyways." Chris says. "Haha you've got jokes" I say.
Anthony's P.O.V
I went to the club. And I see Amelia...I think now is the time to get her back. I also see Chris. "Hey there hottie." I say. "I may be drunk but I'm not that drunk asshole." "How about we go to the private room..." I say. She brushes her lips on mine and says, "you are cute but I'd rather screw Jackson. She walked away and calls Jackson to pick her up.
"Man that could've been mines! Look at what the fuck you did Chris." "Piss off." I punch Chris in the face. He punches me in the stomach.
Chris' P.O.V
"Don't ever fuckin touch me again. Amelia will kick your ass if you do." I say. Anthony walks away and says "I'm gonna get you." I then go home and decide to take a hot bath.
Amelia's P.O.V
"" Jackson say's "You do know that I'm not gonna have sex with you right?" "Ugh! Eh,okay haha." I say. "I'm gonna give you something to remember.." "Well can you cuddle with me so we can at least fall asleep with each other." "Okay, anything for you."
When we finally get into my house I decide to drink lots of water. And I am finally sober. "Jackson!" I yell. "What!"
"Come here baby." He comes up the stairs. "Come shower with me." "He looks at me confused and says, "are you okay because I could've sworn that u needed to be alone." "Well maybe I wanna be alone with you." I say. He smiles and says "anything for you babe." While we are showering I watch him undress and say, "well looks like your little friend down there is happy to see me." "He isn't the only one." "Well what are you waiting for come join me." While we are in the shower he hugs me and says "Amelia I don't ever wanna lose you was the hardest thing for me and I'm sorry for everything Ive done to you...I am in love with you..." "I love you too Jackson...but I swear if u cheat on me again I'll beat your ass...that's guaranteed." I hear him swallow in fear and he laughs and says "remind me not to fuck with you." I kiss him on the lips...
Jackson's P.O.V
I begin to kiss her neck and I hear her moan. And I say "you are a bit of a freak aren't you." She laughs and says "aren't we all." I continue to kiss her neck and she pushes herself onto me and says "damn....I'm starting to really love your friend." "Well my friend has a bit of a surprise for your friend haha."
We both continue to moan and then...
James' P.O.V
I hear lots of moaning and groaning... I then knock on the door and I hear a groan and I hear someone say "ugh..."
Amelia's P.O.V
I answer the door naked. "Uhhhhhh..."
"What!" I scold. "I'm here to see Jackson..." "Okay I'll get him gimme one minute." I walk up the stairs and kiss Jackson. "Babe there is someone here at the door for you." Damn right in the middle of sex. Damn I should've beat his ass for that. "Okay thanks babe." He then puts on some pants and walks to the door.
Jackson's P.O.V
"Hey Jackson! It's been a long time hasn't it." "Oh damn man what's up. How have you been." Damn it was my old buddy from middle school, James. "I've been good," he replies. Amelia comes to the door with her bra and underwear on and kisses my cheek and says "I love you." I say "I love you too." "Well it looks like you've been all up in there dude." James says. "Haha you kno-" Amelia cuts me off and says "You've been what now?" "Uh nothing babe nothing."I say. "Yeah that's what i thought." "Well James I'll catch up with you later man it was nice seeing you dude." I say. "Yeah it was man I'll text you." He replies. "Okay." I close the door. Amelia jumps on my back and I run around. I then throw her on the bed and say, how about another round." She laughs and says "we've got a life time together, shit why not."
Chris's P.O.V
I call Amelia and she answers and all I hear moaning and kisses and she laughs and says "hello?" I say "what are you doing?" She says "Haha what are you doing?" I hear a voice in the background that says "I bet you like that don't you....*laughs**moans*." Amelia says "yeah I'll talk to you later." And she hung up. She must be with that Jackson guy. Better him than Anthony. How about I pay them a visit. I arrive at Amelia's house around 10pm and I ring the doorbell and Amelia answers. "Hey Chris." "Hey Amelia is it okay if I come in" I ask. "Umm sure." Jackson walks down the stairs and says "hey man what's up." He shakes my hand and says "Im Jackson and you?" "I'm Chris." Amelia and Jackson cuddle on the sofa while watching a movie. "You're gorgeous Jackson." He kisses her. "So...Chris what do you want?" Amelia asked. "I just came by to see how you were doing." Jackson an Amelia sit up and chill. At first Amelia was in between Jackson and I, Jackson switched places wit Amelia to how that she is his. "Well I'm doing fine thank you Chris." "Back off dude." Jackson says. He shook me in fear. "Calm down Jackson. You aren't afraid of a little competition are you...good stuff." Amelia says. She grinned at him and he says "hell no, I just..." "Mhmm whatever babe." Amelia said. "Yea so I'm just gonna go now bye." Jackson walked up to me and said "if you touch her that will be the end of you!" I knew I couldn't compete with Jackson but I'll try to. I ran from him after he said that.
"Jackson." "Yeah" "you do know that i heard all of what you said to him right?" "I figured that." The room goes silent and I kiss Jackson. "I love kissing you Jackson." I moan. He grins. "Hey can I ask you something." "Yes of course sweetheart, what is it." "Do you remember when we were dating and you told me that you weren't exactly...." I laugh. "What?" "Human?" Yeah." "Well what did you mean by that?" I lay on top of Jackson... And I hear his heart beat speed up because I was on top of him and he was nervous. "Babe....Okay.....years ago my father used to chemical weapons facility and he....." (Sighs) "He took me in for testing...I was only 8 years old." I try to hold back my tears. "He injected me with 6 different needles....I remember seeing 3 men standing outside the glass in bio suits. The first needle was purple with some kind of tree root at the bottom. The second needle had a hollow point in some kind of orange/envy coloring. The rest of them were red...I looked around in panic. My father tried to calm me down by saying "it's gonna be okay you won't feel a thing I promise." I actually believed him...when I was injected with it It triggered something in me that I have seen before. I felt so much pain and I began to get angry and." Jackson noticed that I begin to cry. "It's okay baby, it's okay I won't let that happen again. I'll protect you... Even if it means risking my life...." I begin to smile and I continue the story. "I killed so many people. All I saw was rage. I could see black blood spewing out of my body.They said I was the most powerful think that humanity has ever seen. I grew sad when I heard my father say that I was an ugly beast and he also said that, that's all I'll ever be. I ran away as far as possible. I went to find my mom and she knew what happened. She was the only person who cared. She told me that my whole family was something that people call Red Reids. She said that we were the most powerful supernatural beings ever know to exist. She said that I was different though. She told me I had the power to heal others. She told me that I had the power to change everything. She told me I was an angel. She made a deal with someone and she said that one of her family members would be that angel. The one and only angel. She taught me how to control every emotion I had and she taught me lots of what I know. Later on that month I found out that she was murdered..." I stopped talking and I grew very upset. Jackson calms me somehow. "I had never been so sad and angry in my life. I lost the only person who has always been there for me. Now I've changed. I have had a lot of broken hearts and when I'm angry or stressed I go out and do whatever I want to... And most of the time it's not good..." I begin to cry. Jackson holds me closer than he had before. "I'm so sorry....I'll be there for you." I laugh and say.... "Don't think that I don't know your little secret ether." He looks confused. "What secret?" "Jackson you are a wolf...I know that." He laughs. "Good guess. So what is it that you are capable of?"I can take powers away. Destroy. Control. And I can gather the strength of any living and non living thing and use its power. That's what I know for now. My mom told me not to abuse my powers or bad things would come. She told me to fight for what's right." "Well...that was interesting." All of a sudden the door bell rings and Chris is at the door again looking angry and yelling when I answer the door. "What the hell is wrong with you! I can't believe you slept with Anthony!" I talk in a calm manner. "Ugh that was a long time ago, why the hell are you yelling anyway that happened in the past let it g-." I was cut off by Chris. "Don't tell me to let it go were you even gonna tell me. I thought you loved me! You are mine only." I begin to get really pissed off. "Bitch! I never told you I loved you and you do not own me!" Jackson rushes down the stairs and gets really mad. "What did I tell you! Stay away from her!" I feel Jackson's body temperature go through the roof. His eyes begin to turn red with gold specks in them. "Jackson calm down I can handle him." He doesn't listen. I see that Chris gets angry and he turns into a fucking wolf after I push him. Jackson beings to growl. And holy shit! Jackson turns into a white wolf with red streaks going up his arms with a grey spot on his chest. Jackson roars loudly. He was 20 times the size of Chris. Jackson was the white wolf, the baddest wolf. I was mind blown. Chris charges at Jackson. I get really pissed off and Jackson stands his ground. I walk in front of Jackson and My eyes turn ocean blue. Chris being to whimper. I roar at him. The whole city fuckin shook like crazy. I roar so loud that Jackson looks a little surprised while in wolf form. I then go up to Chris and say "I am not yours. Stay the fuck away me and Jackson. Next time you ring my door bell with some bullshit ass lie just to get in between me and Jackson, I won't be so damn nice." Chris runs away. I storm into my kitchen and grab a gun. Jackson turns back into a human. He looks scared to talk to me because he has never seen me like that. I put the gun on the counter with my hands on the counter in stress..."Amelia?" He asks. I look up at him and he sees that my eyes are now red. I see that he is afraid and they turn hazel. I walk up to Jackson and kiss him and say "it's okay I won't hurt you sweetie." I smile. I then turn around and go into the garage and get my car. "Where are you going he asks in possessiveness." "I'm gonna blow off some steam." "But I need you." He looks at me in a seductive way. I laugh. I hug him. I put my head into his chest and I hear him purr. I feel him purr too if ya know what I mean(lmao). "I am yours." I say. "I am yours" he replied. "I'm gonna cook some dinner." I shout. "Kk I love you." "I love you too Jackson sweetie." After Jackson and I eat together he decides to go to bed and sleep. "I will join you soon babe I love you." "Luv ya too" he said. I wash the dishes and get in bed with him.
Jackson's P.O.V
I cuddle next to her. I push myself as close to her as I could at the time. "Mmm...I like that." She chuckles. I begin to hump her playfully. "Ugh. Really? Hahah you are lucky that I like that." She moans. She takes off all of her clothes and crawls back into the bed. I take off all my clothes too. "Haha I see you wanna play." She laughs as i get on top of her slowly. She looks at me with so much lust, turning me over and jumping on top of me. I thrust myself into her. "Faster!Harder!" She says. We both moan. She begins to laugh once I stop. "Damn you tired already?" "Hahaha I was pushing hard ya know." "I could go again but I'm sleepy. I enjoyed that babe." "I did too." I cuddle her into my arms and she touches me somewhere and I jump. "Whoa!" "That was nice." She says jokingly. "I love you so much Jackson." "I love you too Amelia....Always." We go to sleep. It's 9AM in the morning and I hear Amelia screaming in pain and anger. She was screaming really loud. I jump down the stairs and rush to her. "Run Jackson run!" She shouts. "No. I must help you!" Her eyes turned bloody red and sharp claws began to grow from her fingers. Her teeth were really sharp. She had vampire fangs. She looks me in the eyes, stands up and says " really might wanna get out of my sight." I see that she looks really pissed off at whatever it was that happened to her. She seemed to know who did it. I kissed her to calm her down. "Jackson stop! Please this must be done and you know I don't wanna hurt you..." I don't care anymore so I kiss her neck and nibble on her soft skin. Her heart beats faster. I begin to notice her hand raise and she began to cut my stomach. I know that she has been taken over by anger. I know that the only thing I could do to bring her back was continue. I continue going lower and lower. She begins to moan. "Babe?" She says while moaning. I begin to go into heat. Heat is when you are ready to have sex. It's absolutely uncontrollable. She began to push me off but I kept coming. "St-" I cut her off. "Come here kitty kitty" I say in a sexy tone. She couldn't help it either. Later that day....
We wake up and I ask her why she was screaming.
Amelia's P.O.V
"My dad knows I'm in L.A and he is coming for me so he gave me a surprise
visit in my head. He used to be able to get into my head but he can't anymore because I decided to no longer be afraid of him." "Babe you have to control yourself because we have school tomorrow." I'll be there with you because I know you will need me. If you need anything I need to to mind link me. I know you can do that to and with anybody." I smiled. "I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I have to handle my anger." "It's okay. I'll always be here for you." I cuddle with him."I'm gonna make some breakfast do you want some?" He asks. "No I'm gonna go out and buy some. Thanks though." "Your welcome." He kissed me for a long time. It was a very passionate and lustful kiss. I saw lust in his eyes. "You always wanna fuck don't you." I say. "Haha you know it."
When I arrived there I ordered some eggs,bacon, and grits. I called my best friend Ellie. "Hey Elle what's up." "Nun much hanging out with my boyfriend." "Cool. Um...I need to talk to you about something tomorrow at school." Okay." I laugh and say "that's all I wanted to tell you." She laughs and says "are you okay?" "Yeah I just need to talk to you about it." "Kk I'll talk to you later." "Okay" I reply.
Later that day Jackson and I just fall asleep. My alarm clock wakes us up. Time to go to school... I hope I'm ready for this...

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