Chapter Thirteen

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I knocked on the door. "Reid, take the side door." I said.

Before I could speak again, five shots rang out.

"BREACH! BREACH!" I shouted bursting into the house.

I heard Sarah's bloodcurdling scream from the basement. I took off down the stairs.

"Sarah!" I swung my gun, to the left and right.

"He ran! I have five bullets in my leg! Morgan help! " She screamed.

I ran towards her, "Sarah, honey, hold on." I said taking off my belt. "I need a medic down here now!" I yelled into my microphone.

"I think we should wait for the second date." She laughed as I tightened the belt around her leg.

"I know it hurts, just hold on." I said taking her hand. "Where the hell is my medic?" I screamed.

"Morgan, calm down." She instructed me.

"Calm down? Calm down! You're shot, Sarah!" I said with wide eyes.

"And I'm in a hell of a lot of pain. But, I can't have you freaking out."She said calmly.

"Why aren't you crying or blacking out?" I said trying to calm my nerves. I was also trying to keep her awake.

"I promised myself that I would be strong." She winced.

A medic ran down the stairs caring what looked like, a lifeguard's board. I lifted Sarah onto it and we carried her up the stairs.

"I'm going to the hospital!" I yelled to Hotch.

He nodded and I crawled into the ambulance behind the gurney.

"Sarah, I need you to fight. You promise?"

The I.V. was already making her loopy, and the medics were rushing around stabilizing her.

"Yeah,"She smiled, "you hab to make me a probis though." She slurred.

"Anything." I said tightening my grip on her hand.

"You hab to tell Penelobe how y-you feel." She was about to go under.

"You just got shot and you're worried about my love life?" I asked her.

"Promise!" She said, loonily.

"I promise!" I said squeezing her hand.

Her eyes closed and I watched her heart monitor go up and down. Three minutes later, the medics were rushing her to surgery.

I sat down in the waiting room and called Hotch.

"Hotchner."He answered.

"Update?" I asked.

"Morgan, he ran. We're trying to track his phone but we think he ditched it. He got away. We wont stop looking, I promise."

I sighed, "I know, thanks." The call disconnected and I rubbed my face.

I looked up as Garcia walked into the waiting room. She sat beside me and took my hand.

"How is she?" She asked.

"The doctors had her stabilized, but that was over and hour ago, I don't know anything else."

"She's going to be okay." Garcia said.

"I know, she's a fighter." I replied.

She rested her head on my shoulder and wrapped her other arm around my shoulder.

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