Chapter 41

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A group of people followed the director's footsteps and came to a bungalow.

There was no electricity on the island, and the entire courtyard was dark, with only a little candle light coming from the doors and windows.

A soldier in military uniform trotted up to them and stood in front of them. He raised his hand and saluted, "You are welcome to come. Please come inside." The

furnishings in the courtyard were simple and there were no stools. After everyone put down their supplies, they sat in a circle. Zhou Mu glanced in the direction of the courtyard gate, "Are the others busy with missions and unable to come back in time?" The

squad leader who first came out to greet them shook his head and said, "No, there are only four of us stationed on the island."

"Four . Personally?" Lin Yanxin said in surprise.

"Yes, because the island is relatively small, there are relatively few personnel stationed on the island." The squad leader smiled shyly, with his back straight.

Shen Ming asked, "You must be quite busy at work, right? Can you tell us more about it?"

Another soldier replied, "One of our most important tasks every day is to patrol along the island, and we will also go out to patrol the sea when necessary. Are there any invading ships? If you occasionally find a fishing boat in danger, you should provide timely help." "

In addition to daily study and physical training, it's almost time to rest after writing the diary at night."

Yu Baitang waited for the other party to finish speaking before asking with concern, "Are there any dangers if you live on the island? There are a lot of poisonous insects and snakes, right?"

"Yes," the squad leader smiled helplessly, but his eyes were firm, "Like typhoons, they are unavoidable problems."

"Thank you very much . "Yes." Yu Baitang raised his hand to applaud them, Jian Ran clapped twice and said cooperatively, "We also have insect repellent, we will bring it to you later."

Yu Baitang glanced at him slightly surprised.

The situation became fierce, and Jian Ran became enthusiastic about the masses. Insect repellent was also very useful to them. He thought that a pampered young master like Jian Ran would not want it.

"What are you doing?" Jian Ran caught someone peeping on the spot.

"It's nothing." Yu Baitang turned away and thought silently. Jian Ran seemed to have really changed recently. Whenever he was sure that this was Jian Ran now, the other party would do something that refreshed his understanding.

Jian Ran snorted and defended herself, "Don't think I don't know what you are thinking."

Yu Baitang raised his eyebrows, "Then tell me, what am I thinking?"

Jian Ran turned away his head, "I won't tell you."

He said It was discovered that Yu Baitang was more than a little prejudiced against him. He is also a normal person. Isn't it normal to admire and respect these real men who guard the territory?

To put it another way, hasn't Yu Baitang heard of the role of role model? The fan idol does charity, and the fans follow suit. Now that Yu Baitang has spoken, what's the problem with him implementing the other party's words?

The four warriors were instantly overwhelmed by everyone's enthusiasm. The most curious ones were the children, who gathered around the warriors and kept asking questions.

Children's innocent and sincere words are often the most touching. I don't know who asked: "Uncle, you have been living here, will you miss home?"

Several young men's eyes were moist.

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