Oh shit

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{Percy's POV}

That night Jase was out on patrol.

So I was home alone,


Or at least I was...



Don't swear.


My face is like full-on deadpan right now...

I can see your face.

I know. You gonna come out then?

Nah, Imma stay here a while.

Funny, get out.

Yes sir!

No matter how hard you try you will never be able to sneak up on me...

*pouting* meanie.

Did you really just write pouting on a mind link?!


"Percy how long are you gonna stare at that wall for?"

I've been caught.

"Huh?" I turn to the source of the voice only to find three people, one knows what's going on and the other two don't...

For now.

"One sec," I turn to the same wall. "Apollo?" His muffled reply is heard.

"Why don't you grace us with your presence." I say with a fake smile and watch him stumble into the room with a pout on his face.

"Meanie." He mumbles.

"Yeah, yeah grow up!" I shoot back.

He stared at me for a few more seconds before Piper broke us up.

"The fuck is going on here?" She half yelled.

We all stopped and looked at her.

"Oh so you don't tell her off for swearing but you tell me off?!" Apollo threw his arms up in despair.

"Baby." I mutter to him and you guessed it, he started the argument right back up.

"Boys!" This time Neeks broke us up, and we both stopped and started at him. "Settle down please! Honestly."

I swallowed down my laughter at Apollo's terrified expression.

After thirty minutes of chatter Apollo was summoned back to Olympus and my body decided that this was the time for nausea. As I felt it approach I looked over at Nico with a 'help me' look on my face and he thankfully realised what it was.

"Hey guys why don't we go for a night swim?" He proposed and we all wanted in meaning they ran back to their cabins to get changed. Meaning I could then run straight upstairs to the toilet and say hello to my dinner.

After flushing the toilet and washing my face I slowly dragged my feet to my bedroom and flopped on the bed.

I would've stayed if Neeks - Ever so helpful - hadn't decided to throw my bathers at me and yell that I had two minutes. 

It was at this point that I really wanted to curl up into oblivion.

But here I am down at the shore of the canoe lake with my friends - I lit up the area using the algae and bioluminescent around the place so we could see.

It was all fun and games until Leo pushed Neeks in...Then the war started - Me and Leo vs Him and Pipes.

An hour later and we're stumbling back to our respective cabins totally drenched (apart from me) and absolutely dead tired.

I was walking to my door still laughing quietly to myself and when I walked in I was met with an angry looking Jason.

"Where were you?"

I stepped further into the cabin.

"Hello to you to." I say back but he repeats the same words this time with more emphasis on them.

"Where, were you?"

"Am I not allowed to go out of the cabin? Because it's not like you've been around much either!" I retort.

"You can leave just not at 11 o'clock at night!"

"You were on patrol for fucks sake Jase! I've been so bored and the trio came round and we just went for a night swim!! Nothing is wrong with that!" I started pacing as I felt the bile rise up in my throat again.


Why now?

Not now, pls not now...

"Percy? Percy are you even listening to me?"

I'm sorry...I'm sorry Jase.

I ran.

Up to the bathroom. And locked the door.

He pounded on it, he called my name begging me to open it.

But I didn't.

I didn't open it for the whole night.

That morning when Apollo did his daily check up - I didn't respond.

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