Chapter 19 - Rumors

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-Do you really want to go? I can go too – I ask her once again, even though we had already argued several times.

-For the thousandth time, I said yes, Kid. What's your problem? – says Eris, adjusting the whip on her belt.

-If she already said yes, stop being annoying. Can we go? We haven't had a mission like this in too long - says Killer, turning the knives

-Look at that tongue Killer! – I take my hand to my hair and let out a sigh 

Let's do this, do your best and make me happy!

-Yes – everyone shouts and starts running towards the hill.

Eriss approaches me with a smile I haven't seen in a long time. Thirsty to fight, for adrenaline, to feel alive with adventure. It added a shine to the powerful image she already presented.

She was wearing military boots with small real knife pendants, black cargo pants with several pockets where she kept her new weapons, the leather belt where she placed the whip, a red V-shaped sweater that accentuated her curves and the sleeves. in lace, and I couldn't miss the choker I had given her, but this time the pendant was a small bottle that I didn't dare ask what was inside. Finally she puts on a dark red cloak to hide her identity.

Before she runs to the others already on the hill, she gives me a light kiss and uses moonwalk to catch up with them. It was a vision of a goddess of the night, which made me smile in anticipation, without a doubt, that later I would want to take her and take off all those pieces.

Narrator POV

Eriss enters the bar, with all eyes on her due to her mysterious figure, and sits at the counter taking off her hood.

-A mug and what is the specialty of the day? – she asks the bartender, who unfortunately was a young man with black hair and eyes, with a friendly expression.

-Blackberry cake – he says, handing me the mug

-Two slices

-Insatiable appetite as always – says a female voice that sits next to Eriss.

-And you always have to have a comment. Long time no see, Hakura – says Eriss hiding a smile.

-I was surprised that it was you who appeared and not your beautiful captain, I bet with the scars he is even more desirable.

The bartender gives Eriss the slices and Hakura a mug.

-Obviously he had to go to bed with informants – Eriss rolls her eyes and puts a slice of cake in her mouth.

-Which could be repeated, but I heard that he started to reject it. But who am I, you're part of the crew, you must know the reasons better than I do.

-I'm not here to gossip, but to negotiate!

-Direct, I see that the little man tamer has grown up.

-Ah? What you mean?

-How head in the clouds are your crew?! – Hakura starts to pull up her long brown hair, thus showing her cleavage.

This cleavage doesn't go unnoticed by Eriss, who almost chokes when she notices those voluminous and firm breasts and at that moment she notices Kid, but she doesn't stop feeling frustrated that the woman has to touch that point.

Hakura passes her a wanted poster, "Eris, 185,000,00 berries". Only when she looks at the photo does she realize what Hakura meant. That photo was taken in a fight before they arrived on Shanks Island, at that time she and Kid were barely speaking, so she took her anger out on her opponents, ending up being more abrupt and violent. She was the focus, but in the background you could see that the whip was wrapped around a man who was already passed out or dead, she couldn't remember.

-Violent and always ready to cause trouble, even if it is not necessary. Fame continues to follow the Kid pirates even if you have barely been seen in recent months. – says Hakura looking at Eriss with a smile.

-tsc, I didn't know they had changed the photo. I had other, more important duties – responds Eriss, smiling in return – but thanks for the update.

-You're welcome – Hakura drinks the rest of the mug and approaches Eriss – you're a little box of surprises, your reactions reveal the person you are.

Eriss continues to ignore Hakura and assess the surrounding environment, finally some of the looks and whispers had stopped and the environment seemed to return to normal.

-It seems true, you are more of actions than words. Like captain, like subordinate. – Hakura laughs.

Eris slams her mug on the table.

-I'm starting to lose patience with unspoken words. Say what you want once and for all!

Hakura steals a piece of pie from her that leaves her with a look that could kill and after making a point of taking her time to eat, she finally speaks.

-There are photos with another woman, powerful, beautiful, valuable. Someone who died to the government, but she is very much alive on the black market. It's something worth a lot of money... – Hakura adjusts herself on the bench, making her breasts jiggle.

Eriss already suspected that, being part of the crew of a supernova that was already famous before the event with the government in Sabaody. She quickly realized where Hakura was going and this only made her even more impatient to get out of there.

-From here you won't take even one more berry than what was discussed. – Eriss approaches her and discreetly passes her a bag – you can add to the rumors that it's not just men that I dominate – she approaches even closer, staying close to Hakura's ear – from time to time, some people need to be touched and putted in place, darling!

Seeing how paralyzed Hakura was, she lets out an evil laugh, goes back to her seat and drinks the rest of the mug and leaves some berries on the counter. She gives me one last look and putting the hood back on her head, she walks towards the door without looking back.


While Eriss met with an informant, Kid's crew along with Wire and Heat prepared to attack the mansion of the nobles who lived in the city, at the same time that Kid and Killer were hiding near the bank that was the main target.

It had been almost an hour since Eriss was at the bar and everyone was ready. Kid gives the signal and within minutes sirens begin to flood the air, the navy runs through the streets to the place where the mansion was located. Some of the soldiers who guarded the bank also followed the same path.

Kid smiles, the plan was going as expected. Now all that was left was for Eriss to arrive with the plans.


A few seconds after she leaves, she hears the sirens and starts cursing, and hides in the shadows until the way is clear to meet Kid and Killer at the bank.

Meetings with informants was always something she never cared about, but she was surprised by Kid's insistence that she not go and now she understood that it was because she had something with Hakura. Not that that was a problem, they both had their past, but he could have just been true about it. It was a work in progress for both of them. What took her by surprise was the new rumors about her dominating men and her relationship with Kimi being caught in the act.

The streets started to get empty again, and she, using the moon walk, set off on her way to the next mission, with a thirsty smile, because she was going to live up to her nickname.

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