chapter 4

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Derek locked his gaze on Tyler.. staring murderously at his face..he immediately assumed he was their leader.."what a daredevil you are uhn?.. intruding a mafia's have a death wish don't you?..
Tyler..who was infact in trouble couldn't stop scanning the man..he wasn't what he pictured in his head..he was infact very handsome and his face was really attractive..his head even starting tilting a little to observe him..he was the perfect definition of a devil in an angel could a person be so sinfully attractive..
**Tyler jerked off from his thoughts after the man gave him a death stare.."is there something amusing you maybe?"he arched an eyebrow..
"Who the fuck are you really?"..Tyler asked bodly when he was infact shaking inside..
"I'm someone you shouldn't mess with" Derek gazed at him staring deeply into his soul..
"Why haven't you killed me like the others then?"Tyler asked with courage..
"You might come of use one day"Derek grabbed his chin..
"Of use?","this motherfucker was straight right?"Tyler thought as he continued scanning the cold man..
"Take him in"Derek ordered his guard..
"You are not taking me captive are you","you can kidnap a dick".. Tyler shouted in anger..
**Derek who was leaving already turned back and scrouched down to Tyler's level.. grabbing him by the chin and looking at him fiercely he said.."didn't your mother teach you not to use the D word uhn? should learn to be respectful..
"Respectful my're taking a grown man captive and u want him to be fucking respectful?."Tyler was behond fustrated at this point..
"Take him in"Derek said untouched..and he marched inside..
Tyler could only watch the fading shilloutte of the cold man..he knew he was done for..

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