Part 11

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[TW!] This chapter will have loads of cussing! So please if you are sensitive don't stay.

And thank you for staying for all these chapters! And this chapter won't be like the episode of hazbin hotel but I will try!

You then woke up on a sunny morning in hell. And then you got ready and went downstairs to see if there were any surprises waiting for you.

You then saw everyone gathered around Charlie just watching her freak out.

You then stood by angel dust and asked, "What's up with her?" He then replied, "Charlie is super worried about extermination.. she won't stop freaking out about it." He said giving her a glare.

Vaggie then spoke and said, "Maybe it's time for you to ask-" Charlie then cut her off and said, "DONT SAY IT." Vaggie then continued and said, "your dad." Charlie then groaned.

Vaggie then said, "maybe he's able to help Charlie. You have to give him a chance." She said putting her hand on Charlie's cheek.

Husker then said, "Daddy issues much?" He then said chuckling. You then elbowed him hard.

Charlie then said, "it's not that it's just.. we haven't spoke in awhile, so yeah." Husker then said, "Riiiiggghhtttt..."

Charlie then got her phone and called her dad, Lucifer.
Lucifer POV

* doing duck stuff *

He then heard his phone ringing and saw it was Charlie. "Daughter, DAUGHTER CALLING.. AHA OH." He then answered and put the phone to his ear.
Charlie POV

"Hey dad.. I kind of got a big ask." I said kinda smiling.

Lucifer then said, "yeah sure anything!" He said like a dad voice.

I then said, "I need to speak to heaven."

Lucifer then replied, "Oh. NO. No ooo. NO NO NO NO Charlie.. No NO. That's a... no..."

"Dad please, I really don't ask you for much! And this is really important to me." I then said holding vaggies hand.

"Can't you come to atleast seeing what I'm trying to do?"

Lucifer then said, "are you.. inviting me over!?" He sounded happy and made his way to the hotel.


'Well the call could've gone worse.' You thought to yourself.

Angel then said, "Well might as well go get ready. Want me to change you y/n?~" he said grinning. You then blushed and pushed his face away and said, "I can't change myself! Thank you very much." You said walking away red.

He then grinned and giggled.

Few minutes later..+

Everyone was waiting downstairs for Lucifer's arrival. And then the doorbell rang.

Chalrlie then said, "Ok everybody, it's showtime!" She then opened the door and a warm hug got to her.

Lucifer then said, "It's so good to see you!" Alastor was giving him a dirty look cause Charlie was kind of his daughter.

Lucifer, then gave the hotel a dirty look. And Charlie noticed.

Alastor then said, "It adds a bit of color, don't you think?" Lucifer then said, "Whatever."

Then the chandelier fell somehow and you just thought it was the logic. But it broke havoc.

Honestly if I'm cringey just say so 👍
Let's do this video

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