Chapter 1.3: Violent Temper

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After leaving the school building, I decided to visit a grocery store nearby and at the same time try to gather more information about the school's structure.

Opening the door of the store, I was greeted by cool air from the cassette air conditioner on the ceiling. The store was filled with students nimbly purchasing basic necessities.

Shelves were stocked with new batches of products just in time for the arrival of the new first years, and consultants were roaming around helping shoppers.

Speaking of which, what am I planning to eat today?

In the place where I grew up, I was taught culinary skills for a while, but it wasn't that long, and I only learned how to cook a few basic dishes. Thus, before I learn new recipes, I should buy something simple and nutritious now.

At that same moment, a sign advertising instant noodles met my eyes, promising quick satiety and wonderful flavor.

Well, I don't care about the flavor, but it's a good option for the first time.

After putting three cups of noodles in my shopping cart, I headed to the checkout line.


Before reaching the queue for the cash register, I saw something strange.

In the far corner there was a stand that stood out brightly among the others. On it were things from groceries to cosmetics. The quality of those items was lower than those in the other sections. However, what attracted me was a sign with an interesting inscription.

«Free of charge items! Three items per month!»

Why would students, who receive such large stipends every month, pick out free stuff?

However, judging from the remaining amount of items, this stand is just as popular as the simple noodle stand.

«This school is getting more and more mysterious by the hour...» I thought and got into the queue.

"Hey, hold on, I'm looking for him!"

Suddenly, a rough voice came from the beginning of the line. It turned out to be the brash red-haired guy who had interrupted the others' introductions.

"Come on, everyone's waiting!"

He already was starting to get some complaints shouted back at him.

"That's it! I found it!"

Finally finding the card in his pocket, he quickly paid for his goods and went to the boiling water machine, freeing his place.

The rest of the wait, fortunately, was uneventful. After paying for my noodles, I left the store and headed towards the dormitory, but when I heard something interesting, I stopped.

"...first year. This is our spot!"

"Who the hell are you? I'm here first."

A couple of seniors stood in front of the red-haired guy and began to taunt him.

I can pull something practical out of this....

Pulling out my phone, I started recording the scene on my camera.

"You didn't hear him? Get the hell out of here! What a cocky first year..."

In response, the irascible guy got up, throwing a cup of noodles off the table and spilling the contents on the floor.

"The place is already taken, can't you see? Get out of here!"

Those put their cups on the table and began to laugh.

"We always sit here. So get out of our seat!"

"You guys are really freaking out."

"Scary, scary!" Sarcastically said one of them, "What class are you from? Oh, you don't have to tell me. Let me guess... Class D, right?"

Here it is.

"And so?"

Seniors looked amongst themselves and laughed again.

"Did you hear that? He's a D! You can tell just by looking at him!"

"What the hell do you mean by that, huh?"

I finally decided to intervene, but left the record on.

"Hey, what's happening here?"

My arrival surprised them greatly.

"First year too, huh? What class are you in, kid?"

"D. What's wrong?"

After I said that, all their suspicion disappeared. They arrogantly laughed again.

"Alright. You're so pathetic, you can stay this time. Let's get out of here." They started to leave.

"Running away?!"

The red-haired guy's patience finally burst, and he rushed forward.

"Stop." Putting my hand in front of him, I blocked his attack.

"Is someone barking here? Anyway, there's hell ahead of you."

With success, I turned off the record.

"Man, okay if it was girls or guys being nicer, but this gang..."

I silently nodded my head.

"Thank you, man, for stopping me. Otherwise I would have punched 'em!" He smiled. "My name is Sudo, by the way. How about you?"

He held out his hand to me. Is that a... sort of handshake?

"Ayanokouji..." I reluctantly said, accepting a handshake. "...Nice to meet you."

"Yeah, nice to meet you too! Damn, noodles spilled out..." Sudo began to clean up after himself.

What am I supposed to do now...?

My quick glance at the front of the building revealed two security cameras.

Chill ran down my spine.

Seems like it would be better to maintain a neutral relationship with Sudo than to worsen it...

I sighed and started to help him.

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