Chapter 21

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"Good Evening, how can I help you?" Toni stood at the hotel front desk.

"Reservation for Braxton." The woman typed on the computer.

"Ahh yes. I believe you've paid ahead." Toni nodded. "Here are your room keys." She handed Toni two key cards. "And all of your requests have been fulfilled. I believe you also requested a special breakfast to be delivered tomorrow morning."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Good. All you have to do in the morning is call down to the kitchen and say your room number and that you are requesting your breakfast. It will be made upon request and brought up to you."

"Thank you." The lady peeked at Janet who was sitting in the lobby, looking at the different magazines.

"Also, based on context, we made sure you are given one of our more...." she smirked. "....private rooms." Toni looked back at Janet. She had found a magazine she liked and was now flipping through it. Turning back to the lady, Toni smiled.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Enjoy your stay." Toni nodded and went over to Janet.

"You ready, baby?" Janet looked up at Toni.

"Yeah." She sat the magazine down and stood up. Toni grabbed her bag and they headed to the elevator. Once inside, they rode up the twelfth floor. Janet held onto Toni as the anxiety rose in her body. She was really doing this. The day had really come. The moment she had hoped for was finally going to happen.

They stepped off the elevator and headed to the room. When they reached the door, Toni stopped and looked at Janet. "What?"

"I wanted to say something deep and meaningful before we went in, but I can't think of anything." They laughed.

"Toni, this isn't the moon landing. Your words won't be written down in a history book."

"I know, but you will remember them and that's important."

"You've already made this day memorable. You've already made it special. Stop worrying. Just... be yourself." Toni released a breath.

"Okay." Toni placed the key card into the door and it unlocked. "I hope you like it."

"Like what?" Toni opened the door and they walked in. Janet's eyes immediately lit up. "Oh my god." Toni had the room decorated. There were rose petals scattered around on the floor, there were candles by the bed, there was champagne in an ice bucket and a whole bouquet of roses with Janet's name on it. "Toni, it's beautiful." Janet went further into the room and saw the bed made up with black sheets and red covers. On the bed was a gift box. "What's that?"

"I don't know." Toni smirked. "Maybe you should open it." Janet giggled and opened the box. She pulled out a small, silk nightgown. "You got this for me?"

"Yeah, you told me how you were scared to buy those types of things and I figured this would be something you'd want it for." Janet blushed. She looked back into the box and pulled out the next item; a pair of thong underwear.


"You don't have to wear this tonight. I just know you wanted them." Janet picked the items and went to Toni. She kissed her deeply. Toni held Janet's waist and eased her hands down to her butt before squeezing it. Janet pulled away and smiled at Toni.

"I'm going to use the bathroom."

"Okay." Janet went into the bathroom and closed the door. Toni sat their bags down and sat on the bed. She rubbed her palms on her pants and sighed. She tried to stay as calm as possible and went over everything her parents told her. Be gentle and patient. It's about Janet. Take it slow.

Sinfully DeliciousTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang