Chapter 21

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"What do you think about being used as bait?"

Everyone looks at Jungkook in shock when they hear him as he enters the room. "How much did you hear?" Seokjin quickly asks, afraid that Jungkook heard what Taehyung had explained to him.

"He only heard Yejin-ssi's explanation of who she is and what she has gone through because of Sybil," Jimin tells them after scanning Jungkook's memory.

"Thank god." Seokjin sighs with relief.

"I heard you guys talking, so I came to see what was going on," Jungkook explains as he sits beside Taehyung. "So, are you willing to be used as bait?"

"Jungkook!" Hoseok shouts with anger.

"What? The witch is obsessed with her." Jungkook calmly responds.

"She is obsessed with you and the vampire as well!" Hoseok argues as he glares at Jungkook.

"And there is no way in hell that I am letting Taehyung be bait, and I can assure you that Taehyung will most likely kill you if you suggest to use me as bait." Jungkook chuckles as Taehyung growls and grips him.

"I am with Jungkook on this one." Namjoon hums and looks at Hoseok's mother.

"Plus, if we use Taehyung or Jungkook as bait, the witch will kill them. She won't kill Yejin-ssi. She literally wants to kill Taehyung because ... well, you know why." Yoongi catches himself before he spills something in front of Jungkook.

"So everyone knows except me." Jungkook hums as he looks around the room.

"Yep, and there is a reason. You know that I would never hide anything from you unless it were important." Seokjin softly tells his agitated younger brother.

"To set up Yejin as bait, Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jimin should take her somewhere, leaving behind traces for the witch to find them. The rest of us should wait and watch her movements." Yoongi suggests as he tries to think of a plan.

"I should go with Taehyung," Jungkook argues as he holds Taehyung's hand.

"No. There is something that the witch must think, and for her to think that you need to be with Taehwa. Or at least watching over Taehwa." Namjoon responds, causing Jungkook to be more confused.

"Why? Is Taehwa in danger?" Jungkook asks as he worries about his friend, who he thinks has died multiple times because of the witch's grudge against him.

"There is a high chance that when we make our move with Yejin-ssi, Sybil will do something that might hurt Taehwa. Since Taehwa does not have memories of the past, she won't know what to watch out for. You do, though." Taehyung explains to try and lower Jungkook's suspicions.

"So you want me to stay with her to protect her." Jungkook looks into Taehyung's eyes to make sure Taehyung is telling the truth.

"Yes." Taehyung nods and softly smiles at Jungkook. "Keeping her safe is a priority."

"Keeping you safe is my priority," Jungkook mutters as he holds Taehyung's hand.

"Jungkook, I am stronger than her. I can protect myself better than she can protect herself." Taehyung explains, squeezing Jungkook's hand reassuringly.

"Yoongi and Hoseok will go with you and Seokjin to make sure that Taehwa is protected," Namjoon tells Jungkook as he looks at Hoseok to make sure that Hoseok will go with the plan.

"Okay." Jungkook sighs and nods. "But you have to make sure to keep Taehyung safe."

"We will. Don't worry." Jimin smiles and slings his arm over Namjoon's shoulders. "We are very strong."

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