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Tw: thowing up

Charlie : today we get to find out the babies genders , i really want a girl and boy but as long as they are healthy i don't care . I woke up early cause of back pain i was going to grab my belt but i was in to much pain to move and i didn't want to wake vaggie up so i just scrolled on my phone until she woke up  i said "good morning babe" she says "good morning but why did you wake up early you normaly wake up after me ?" I say " oh back pain "  vaggie says "oh why did you not grab you belt?" I say "oh i was in too much pain to stand" she says "oh why did you not wake me up i could of got it for you" i say "i didn't want to wake up cause it was really early" she says "oh babe i don't mind you waking me up i don't want you to suffer promise to tell me again"  i say "thanks babe i will  tell you next time" she says "does your back still hurt "  i say  "yeah" she says "ok i will grab you belt"  i say "thanks"

Vaggie: i went to grab charlies pregnacy belt cause she had bad back pain i grab it and i say "here it is do you need any help" she says "yes can you help me sit up if that ok "  i say "sure babe" i help charlie sit up and put on her belt then we get changed cause charlie has her scan today and we get to find out the genders charlie wants a boy and a girl but l don't care i just want them and her to be healthy. After we get changed we get going to her appointment. We head get to the appointment and we sign in the wait in the waiting room.

Charlie: after we been waiting for 10 minutes we get called and i go in to the ultrasound room and i get on the bed i the nurse asks a fews qustions then she does the scan she asks if we want to know the genders i we say yes she says " you are having a girl and a boy" we say "thanks" the we head back to the hotel . We go and seat with the others at the lounge and they all zsk how did it go and  we said "oh it went great we are have a boy and a girl" they  all said oh thats great and we chatted about our days . After we chatted everyone went up stairs i had to do paperwork cause i am the owner of the hotel but vaggie said " go upstairs babe you need to rest i will do the paperwork" i say "thanks babe you don't have to do it i can do it myself" she says "i know but you are pregnant and you didn't sleep well last night so go rest you propaly need it" i say "ok babe see you later" then i go upstairs and get changed in to sleepwear and watch tv then i get mauseous so i grab the bucket from beside me and threw up i hate throwing up but its part of pregnacy so kinda just deal with it.

Vaggie: i finsh off the paperwork for charlie cause i told her to rest then i go upstairs in our room i say " hi babe how are you feeling" she says "oh good but nauseous i just threw up 5 minutes ago"
I say "oh ok babe" she says " i will proplay go to sleep now goodnight" i say "goodnight babe" then we fall asleep

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