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~*~Three Weeks Later~*~

Amy's POV

It's now the 30th of October. Oh the joy. Tomorrows Halloween, hence why Mark thought it would be a brilliant idea to go camping...and what, scare the kids to death? I don't mind the out doors. Getting close with nature and all of that. I aced outdoor education in high school. Not a surprise, obviously. Riker and Rocky were setting up everyone's tents. Mark was setting up an outdoor shower, and Rydel was unpacking some of the fishing gear.

 "I'm going to grab some logs for the fire. Does any one want to come?" I announced.

"Eww gross. You could get a splinter." Courtney said and I rolled my eyes.

"That must not be good for the baby." I muttered under my breath. "So, no one? Okay." I smiled and walked off.

"Amy. Wait." Ross said. "You walk so fast." He laughed and caught up to me. "You might need some help. I'll carry the larger logs." Ross said and I nodded.

"Thanks." I said and looked around the forest we had walked into. A bird began singing a tune which was quite sweet. I kept my head down making sure I didn't step on anything. Ross stepped over a tree root.

 "Here." Ross said and placed his hand out for me to grab it. I did so and walked over the root. I wasn't planning on talking to him this whole trip. Well, that's going to back fire. I grabbed some small twigs and some leaves from the ground and Ross found a larger log which he had to drag all the way back to the camp site. I laughed at his struggle. Once we had make it back, he dumped the log near the 'soon to be fire pit' and sat on it.

"Oh my baby must be exhausted. Do you want some water?" Courtney said passing him a bottle of water and he shook his head.

"I'm fine." Ross said and I knelt down on the ground and set up a small fire pit.

"Mama. I help?" Romeo asked and knelt down next to me and placed a small twig in the fire pit.

"Now, when Mommy lights the fire. You can not go near it unless you're near someone, okay Rome?" I said to my son and he nodded. I kissed his head and placed a small white fire starter block near the edge of the fire pit and used a match to light it. Mark, Ryland and Ellington had come back with a bucket full of fish.

"W-we're eating fish? Shellfish isn't good for the baby." Courtney said rubbing her stomach.

"Fish is fine to eat. I ate fish all the time, and Romeo turned out perfectly fine. " I smiled placing my son on my lap.

"He can't hear out of one ear. You think that's fine?" Courtney asked.

"His perfect to me." I smiled and Romeo grinned.

"Well, my baby won't have any problems with it." Courtney said and looked at Stormie.

"Well, we only packed two minute noodles as a back up." she said and shrugged.

"How am I supposed to eat them when there is no hot water?" she asked.

"You get a pot full of water and you boil it over the flame." Mark said getting out a book from his camping chair, 'Camping for Dummies', and passed it to her. I bit my inner cheek trying not to laugh. Whilst Mark was cooking dinner, Courtney was reading the book.

"I'm going to go for a walk." Rydel said and I got up and so did Savannah. Yeah, Riker's girlfriend. It's so weird how Ryland and Riker have girlfriends with the same name. Thank god they don't look alike. We walked through the forest and we ended up near a lake. Savannah and Rydel sat by the lake and I sat on a tree root. Rydel and Savannah were talking about their partners. How lucky they all are in love. I mentally groaned.

"Annoying, isn't it?" I heard a voice whispered behind me. I froze and turned around.

 "Jesus Christ Ross. Don't scare me." I said clutching my chest and he chuckled and sat next to me. "Who said you could sit there?" I asked him.

"I told myself that I could sit here." Ross smirked and I rolled by eyes. "Look I said I was sorry. I didn't mean to get her pregnant. I swear to god, I was going to break up with her." Ross whispered making sure no one but me could hear him.

"I told you. It's fine." I said looking at the lake. There were more campers on the other side of the lake. There was a bridge connecting the two campsites together.

"Courtney didn't mean it." Ross said and I looked at me. "She said that our son wasn't normal." I said looking at him.

"I know. And that hurt. I spoke to her before and she didn't realise how much it hurt you and I. It must just be the hormones or something. I mean, you were pretty moody as well." Ross laughed.

"I wasn't that moody." I said hitting him.

"Amy. Ask anyone and they will agree with me." Ross said and I laughed.

"Okay, maybe I was. Just a little bit." I smiled and he smiled back. I spotted three little rabbits. Two adults rabbits jumping away and a little baby rabbit trying to keep up. I smiled at crossed my legs. I sighed and looked out in front of me. Savannah and Rydel were still chatting and laughing.

 "Hey. Why am I always invited to these Lynch outings?" I asked Ross.

"My Mom loves you to pieces." Ross said quickly. "We all do." he said and then muttered. "Especially me." I blushed and nodded.

"Just wondered." I heard someone bang a stick against the pan.

"Dinner must be ready." Ross said and stood up and helped me up. I brushed the dirt off my jeans and followed Ross back to the camp site.

I'll probably update again soon :)

QOTD: Who is your favourite Austin and Ally/ Teen Beach Movie/ Bad Hair Day character?

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