He purposes: Luke

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A/N so this is kinda more of a preference than an imagine but it's really cute I promise :)

You and Luke have been dating for a while now. Little did you know that tonight Luke planned on purposing to you during their show. After they played a few songs, Luke started talking, which caused you to listen closely. "Two years ago in this very arena, I met the love of my life. I would like to ask her to come up on stage please." His words made you blush as you nervously made your way onto the stage. "I want to dedicate this next song to my beautiful girlfriend y/n." The music started playing, which you automatically recognized as Train's "Marry Me". Forever can never be long enough for me to feel like I've had long enough with you...Luke started to sing. Your jaw dropped as tears instantly started brimming in your eyes. Marry me if I ever get the nerve to say hello in this café say you will... Halfway through the song Luke got down on one knee and said "so will you?" Tears now running down you're face you choked out yes. A huge smile came across his face showing off his dimples, as he picked you up, sharing the most passionate kiss the two of you ever had. The crowd erupted into fits of "aws" making the both of you smile even more. You couldn't wait to begin you're life as the future Mrs. Hemmings.
I told you it was cute I don't break my promises :))))

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