Chapter two. The unexpected journey

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I woke up and realized it was my birthday. I woke tepig up got dressed and did my hair. Then walked out of my room and into the hallway to see a big banner saying " happy birthday!". I walked into the living room and sat down. My family all wished me a happy birthday but then my mom handed me this blue bigger version of a pokeball but not quite a great ball. She told me to hand her tepig's pokeball. I did and she clicked it into tepigs pokeball and told me press the button on the ball and tepig would come out of the pokeball no matter where tepig was. She explained to me what it did like this.  I could be 100 miles away from tepig press the button on my upgraded pokeball and he would Come out and when i return him he comes back to this bracelet my mom has. So ya thats cool but why would i need it ill be staying with my mom and dad so tepig wouldn't get far from the bracelet anyways right? I ask my mom that question and what the plans are for today and she responds by saying "that will be decided by you" as she handed me a ticket. I read the ticket and see that its for the pokelathon! I nearly scream out of the excitement. Jackson my older brother( but people call him jack)  then yells" im going to the pokelathon And he slams the door shut. 'You should get going too taylor" says my mom. And after hearing that i run out the door onto the path so exited knowing my own real pokemon journey was about to begin

Okay I knew it was a long way from my house to pallet town but i still wasn't planning on walking it all. I though my brother could drive me there it was only 4 miles pretty easy for a car. A pair of legs not so much. By the time i was out the door my responsible big brother was already out of sight.  But i had no time to lose i started to run full speed i wasn't   Gonna let something like that ruin my birthday i sped through not getting tired at all i was almost there, pallet town was in sight but still a long ways.   I was about to dash to it  when a voice behind me yelled " i command  you to stop!"  I decided to stop but that was a mistake. I turned around to see that the person who had said that was a guy about my age probably older but her was running fast towards me. " i wont be the last!" He yelled. Thats when i understood what was happening the last person to the poklathon would be the last to pick meaning they dont even get to choose they just take the starter nobody wanted.   Whoever this guy was he knew we would be the final two so he couldn't be last.  But before i could start to run he was already ahead of me . I ran as well but something flew out of the guys backpack. And i tripped on it. I sat up and got my first good look at him. Before i hadn't realized he even had a backpack. Hr was wearing a blue short and had very very very dark gray shorts  and had dark hair that basically was black or very dark brown. I had the same hair color ( and same color shorts with a bright red shirt but thats not important) i got up and ran but he went over the last hill and was gone he had won the race.

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