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I didn't see Avah until she walked past me in the lunch room to get to her table in the back corner of the huge room full of tables. The fretherist point away from through I don't think she saw me. Her noise was too far into the book in front of her face. It amazing that she didn't run into anything but I guess doing it every day; you end up knowing where you're going and the easiest way of getting there. Her hair was longer and curlier than that last time I saw her. But it was still the same bright color of yellow that it was during the summer. Like sand; yeah that the color of her hair. Sand. It fall like a waterfall over her shoulders and down her back and swayed back and forth as she walked. She sat down at her table with Jade and Linda. Those two I swear would be attached to her hips if she let them. They never seem too far from her but far enough to get her space. Avah did like her space.

I sighed and looked down at the food in front of me as I thought of all the reason why she would blow me off this morning. I was so sure that she was wrapped around my finger when I leaved or maybe she wasn't. No. no, she differently was wrapped around my finger. So what happened? I looked back up at her table and found Linda leaning over the table, whispering to Avah with her eyes locked on me. When she was done with talking to Avah, Jade's icy blue eyes joined Linda's but Avah just shrugged and kept her self facing away from me. I looked around before getting up and walked over to them. Linda crossed her arms and raised an eye brow at me. I smiled softly as her before pulled the chair next to Avah out.

"May we help you," Jade asked like there was a sign on the table with worlds that said 'no boys allowed'. I looked at her for a moment before glancing at Avah; who's noise was still suck in a book. it was like i wasn't even there. she was stuck in the book's little world and blocking out everything else. I loved that about her. She gets so focused one thing and that one things only. I, also, loved when she gets that focused she would bit her bottom lip. It was sexy as hell.

I cleared my throat and she stilled didn't look at me. Her lips moved to the words and her eyes made even skims across the page. Her hair fall slightly off her shoulder, shielding her from the rest of the world. God, she was beautiful. I glanced at her friends again and gave them a small smile before looking back at her.

"Av," I asked slightly touching her shoulder. Lighting sparked between us as my finger tips skimmed her soft skin or at least I thought so. She jumped slight and her head moved in my direction, brushing her hair out of her face. She didn't look happy to see me. not one bit.

"What do you want Jayce?" She asked spat at me, bookmarking her page to give her full attention. I heard her friends chuckle at her reaction. I glanced at them and then back at her. What did I want?

"Well, you kinds just walked away from me this morning," I said, "I was wondering if everything is okay." She looked at me for a moment with her lips parted and then looked at her friends.

"Everything was perfected before you decide to start harassing me," She said before getting up. Ouch. Linda and Jade following her lead. "So stay away from me, Jayce. and stop calling me Av." And with that she walked away, not looking back with the two girls walking behind her. That could have gone better. I wonder what I did to make her so pissed at me.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jul 10, 2015 ⏰

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