𝘽𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩

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"Grey needs us at the station." Tim quickly rises from his seat and goes to put on his shoes, not even picking up his plate.

"Tim what's going on?" Lucy does the same as she sees the pure panic on his face. Tim doesn't want to worry her but he knows he has to tell her.

He has his hand on the door knob, speaking before opening it. "I'll tell you on the way." But before Tim could even turn the knob Lucy grabs a hold of his arm turning him to face her.

"No, Tim! Tell me now, what's going on?" Her voice is stern as she looks at him in pure confusion.

"I heard Roslyn's name through the phone, Tim."

Tim looks down and sighs before looking back to her. "Roslyn escaped... This morning~ around four to five."

Lucy goes wide eyed as her stomach turns. She can't speak, her body wont let her. By the time she realizes Tim is speaking to her he's probably said her name 15 times if not more.

It's when his hand reaches her shoulder before sliding down to her forearm that she snaps back.

"Lucy, are you okay?" Tim slides his down further and into her hand. She looks up at him, her eyes still wide. "What if she comes for me Tim." Her voice is so soft and quiet, filled with genuine fear. It sends long shivers down his spine.

"W- what if she's mad that Caleb is dead and~ and she wants revenge a- and-" Lucy spirals, thinking all about what Roslyn could want and could do.

"Lucy~ Lucy, look at me," Tim interrupts her to try and get her to calm down as he saw her eyes water and breath pick up. "deep breaths alright, she isn't going to hurt you okay, we wont let it happen~ I wont let it happen."

Lucy lets out a breath and nods. "I know, okay. I'm~ I'm fine, let's go."

"Are you sure?" Tim's worry expands as Lucy was just freaking and now all of a sudden she's fine? Before they leave she quickly goes and gets her phone off of the kitchen table.

"Okay let's go, we're useless just standing here."


"What? Let's go."

"Never mind, c'mon." Tim sighs and opens the front door. He knows she's not fine but he doesn't want to overwhelm her more than she already is. Even though she says she is fine, she most definitely is not. And it's only a matter of time until she bursts.

On the car ride there Lucy is quiet, not a single syllable, just the sound of her breath as she breathes in and out.

Tim takes a quick gaze to Lucy as they pull up to a stop sign. He looks at her bouncing leg and places his hand on her knee before continuing to drive. She doesn't turn her head from the window but shows her comfort by placing her hand on top of his, following with a small rub.

Tim parks the car in the outside station lot. They unbuckle their seat belts and make their way out of the car.

Lucy fidgets with the ring on her finger while she waits for Tim to walk around the car to her. "You sure you're alright?" Tim asks, just wanting to make sure. What happened to her was really traumatic, nothing to what he will never understand. But he want's her time know, he's here for her, and every step of the way.

"Oh yeah, wonderful. You know, just the psycho, killer that my kidnapper who tried to kill me who also killed many other people got out— I'm doing so great! So, so great." She didn't even realize that tears started streaming as she was going through her ramble.

Tim hugs Lucy, linking his arms as hers tuck against her chest.


They get into the roll call room where Sergeant Grey, Nyla, Angela, John, and Jackson are already waiting.

"Tim, I'm assuming you informed her why I called you?"

"Yes I did Sir."

Grey turns his attention towards Lucy, "I want you to stay in a safe house. Until we know where Roslyn is or what her intentions are~ your life is at risk."

Lucy's jaw drops, no words come to mind. She can't speak, hear, or think straight.

"We'll do everything we can to keep you safe Lucy."
Angela shares at her best attempt to ease Lucy's racing thoughts.

"I'm~ I'm gonna go get some air." Yet they haven't even been in their 5 minutes, but her words are shaky as she turns around and speeds out of the room.

She places her hand on her chest as her heart races~ it practically pounds against the inside of her chest.

"Tim, you should go make sure she's alright." Nyla suggests. Tim nods before walking out, closing the door behind him.

He gets outside turning his head left from right but can't spot her. He walks out a few more steps and looks again, this time he sees her~ sitting against the outside wall beside on of the building's support beams.

He runs to her, crouching down to her level~ she can't even talk, or breathe, no matter how hard she tries. "Hey, Lucy open your eyes, look at me. It's gonna be alright." He tries to keep he voice steady, even though be is scared shitless.

"I— can't!" Lucy sucks in. Tim then takes her hand and holds it against the middle of his chest.

"Try and follow my breathing. It's gonna be okay Luce." And she does so. Tim takes big breaths in with her as she calms down.

Once he sees that her breathing is back to normal he takes her hand into his and sits beside her.

Lucy rests her head against his shoulder and Tim returns the favour be leaning his head against hers.
"We're gonna find her alright. I won't let anything happen to you~ I promise."

Lucy sighs, knowing he means what he says. "I'm sorry..." She whispers as a singular tear rolls down her cheek and onto Tim's shirt.

"You have nothing to be sorry for Lucy, okay? We'll figure it out... Together."


Look at them! They are in complete awh for each other, and holy cow has their relationship with each other changed. Aren't you excited to see what comes for them in the future?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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