Boy Friend💜

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Calling.... I pick the call ...
"It's a sunny day finally after a rainy month it's finally the sunshine day again"
" I just finished work and I'm off where are you I wanna join you?"
" find me if you can"
"You shouldn't challenge me, I'll be with you in a couple of minutes"
..... after about 5 minutes.....
"Gotchaaa" surprising me appearing from behind me ..
" How?!!!" Annoyed.. jolted because startled "how come you always find me?... do you smell me by any chance"
" Oh yess .. .. Your fragrance always drags me to you .. even if am not aiming to you" ..
" wow am so blessed *sarcasm* .. Sit down now my neck hurts while looking up and talking to you .."
"I actually guessed that You will surely be here.. I don't know why .. but I feel this is your best escape ... You always come here when you have a free time"
"Right.. this place is connected with loads of my sweet memories .. I feel safe and loved when am here "
"Any special reason? What makes you ignore this handsome face and come to face the trees and rocks"
"There are many actually"
"Am I lucky enough to know one... at least?"
"It's a long story... *smiling* a long story that I would love to tell * raising eyebrows as asking* .. "
"And I'll be more than happy to listen .. I have plenty of time already .."
" You won't interrupt me then... just let me go with it's flow .."
Alright ... the story started when I went on a Blind date
"A BLIND DATE?!!!!!"*eyes wide*
" didn't I say don't interrupt.. yes blind date.."




I went on a blind date... which was arranged by my best friend HOSEOK .. he gave me a cafe address and said I should be there by lunch time so I meet that person and have lunch with him ... It happened to be my favorite Cafe so I agreed... actually for some reason I was the one who told him to look for someone for me to date.. so he did ..
I reached the cafe and I stood at the entrance rolling my eyes scanning the place for a description he gave me .. He said I'll see a handsome young man with blue eyes and Grey hair .. he would be wearing a blue shirt .. So I spotted someone with that description .... He was sitting calmly looking down crossing his legs ..  And I went close to have a better look of his eyes

  And I went close to have a better look of his eyes

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Me: Am I late?

Him: *smiling* not at all .. I just arrived a minute before you..
Me: great .. * sitting while waving to someone*  did you order anything?

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